Vampire Sleepover

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     Licorice sat up right on the couch, trying to keep a safe distance from Vampire cookie. However, Vampire made sure to spread across the couch, resting his head on the arm of the other cookie.

     "So, how ya' been, Lico. It's been a while!" Licorice cookie didn't reply for a bit. He wasn't sure if anything he'd say would even matter, Vampire was clearly still extremely drunk. It was a miracle he hadn't passed out on the way here. Though even in his current state, Vampire looked eager for a response, so Licorice obliged.

     "I've been... good." He responded. Vampire then went straight to recalling what he'd done that day. It wasn't all that exciting but at least Licorice didn't need to hold the conversation. As useless as it felt to, licorice kept trying to find what to say. How to make amends in this situation or to get out of it. He hadn't expected to ever come across Vampire again, at least not so soon. So sudden. However, he was, in some odd way, relieved. Part of him had missed Vampire cookie, he just hated to see the Cookie in this state. It was sad.

     Licorice was lost in thought for a moment until he noticed Vampire had gone silent. He turned to the cookie, that was now sound asleep.

Ideally this would've been the perfect time for Licorice Cookie to make his grand escape, however, he couldn't. He had been to busy attempting to release from the Vampire's grasp to pay attention to how they'd gotten to the room. He had even thought of just going out the window but they were on the third floor. He also couldn't risk getting caught by Vampire's sister so he stayed.

He starred at the sleeping cookie before him. He wondered how the morning would go. If Vampire would continue to act like everything was fine between the two of them or if he'd bring up their past. Would he come to his senses and be horrified of his once-friend-turned-villain before him? Or worse, would he turn him in? Licorice had forgotten his Scythe at the garbage bins in the alley, he was defenseless, useless. He wondered how could he have been so foolish? Why did he jump to the riskiest possible solution? Why must he be so impulsive? It seems every possible scheme he came up with always failed. He could only hope he could find a way out before Vampire woke up.

But for now, he stayed. Seated in the silent, cool ambiance of the room he found himself growing tired. His fear of what was too come faded as he soon fell asleep alongside the vampire.

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