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Half an hour later, Alchemist walked in with a plate, fixed with four halves of a sandwich. She silently places them between Vampire and Licorice Cookie who were both on the floor. Licorice says thank you. She looks at him for a moment, she is about to say something but ultimately decides to silently leave. Once the door shuts Licorice looks back at the plates and takes a half. The sandwich is cut diagonally and it's fairly plain, only ham, lettuce and mayonnaise. He examines it for a moment and takes a bite. The taste is nothing spectacular, but it's something to eat and he appreciates Alchemist taking time out of her day to make it for him. "Him" referring more to Vampire cookie than Licorice, because although she offered to make Licorice something to eat, after what they'd discussed, the offer was less an act of kindness and more of necessity.

Licorice slides himself closer to Vampire. He reached out a hand and places it on Vampire's shoulder. He shakes it gently and Vampire slowly sways back and forth.

"Vampire, are you awake?" he whispers.

Vampire adjusts himself but doesn't reply. He turns to the side and curls up.

"Alchemist Cookie brought food for you," he drags the plate closer to Vampire. "... she said you passed out cause you don't eat. It's- uhm- You should eat something."

Vampire lays still for a few seconds after, before slowly turning and pulling himself up with his arms. He sits up facing the plate and looks down at it. His long red hair covers much of his face, but Licorice can still sense a tiresome and melancholy look to it. Licorice continues to observe Vampire as he reaches for a half of the sandwich. As he takes a bite he pulls his hair back with a hand and turns directly facing Licorice. Licorice immediately breaks eye contact but as he looks else where he can still feel Vampire's gaze on him.

"Thank you."

Licorice turns back to face him. "Oh- Uhm- I didn't make this," he gestures to the plate, "Alchemist did, thank her-"

"No, thank you. I like that you're here."

God. Oh god.
Licorice stares wide eye at Vampire as he feels his face ache. He feels the edge of his eyes strain and quiver. He quickly rubs his eyes but as he closes them he feels tears fall. They are few but he still rejects them. He shakes his head as if that would do anything to stop this rush. Rush of what, he can't yet pinpoint. Perhaps the reminder of what he'll lose? What he can't have...

"Vampire Cookie," Licorice croaks.

Vampire continues to eat the sandwich in hand. After swallowing a bite he covers his mouth and replies, "Yeah..?"

Licorice looks around the room. His gaze trails back to the outside. It's dark still but there is a glimmer of golden glaze about the horizon. The rain stopped a while before Alchemist dropped off the sandwiches. The winds are gentle, as reflected by the curtain's smooth movement.

"The rain stopped."

Vampire slowly nods at the statement.

"It should get dark soon... Do you think we'd be able to see the stars?"

Vampire looks down at the food he's eating and nods along. He swallows and looks upward. "We could see. There's a balcony in the master bedroom."

"Master bedroom?"

"Mhmm, like, the biggest bedroom in the house. Well, it's not much of a bedroom since it's totally empty. Alchemist didn't want it cause she'd rather sleep in her lab for easy access and I don't like how bright and spacious it is, but it's nice for going in and watching the sky."

"hm." Licorice laid back and looked up to the ceiling. "Yeah, I'd like that."

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