Part 8

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The bones turn into a massive mountain surrounding Natsu on all sides completely covered in bones and ash, Natsu, can't move an inch of his body under the massive pressure of the bones. The bones keep adding on more and more from the outside and the pressure keeps getting stronger to the point that Natsu even has trouble breathing.

Natsu: ( well shit I'm stuck really bad what can I do. I wish that I had the others here maybe they could help me out)

Acnologia: ( from Natsu's inner heaven) are you serious right now, you want to ask for help, the one that took on Aldoran, the wood dragon god, and destroyed his massive body, way bigger than this pile of bones. You took on a summoned god you took on the dragon gods and you won. I can't believe that the new king of dragons has such a weak will. You are not the man that defeated me. You are a disappointment to all dragons.

Natsu: ( Bitch if you weren't dead already I would kick your ass for talking shit like that)

Igneel: My son I hate to agree with this monster, but you are holding back. I know you better than anyone, what's wrong.

Natsu: ( you know you are more around after you died than you were when you were still alive)

Igneel: ( I know, and I didn't want to watch over you as a lingering spirit my son, but we can't choose our path sometimes in life, sometimes the flow of life, takes us to different places than we hoped to go to)

Natsu: ( yeah I know that but I just )

Igneel: ( whatever is the matter just let it out we will listen)

Natsu: ( I'm scared okay. I'm scared that I will lose control again and I would hurt Lucy and the others if Lucy didn't snap me out of it I would have killed everyone. I can't live with that if I did that. )

Igneel: ( Natsu I know that you are scared of losing control everyone is at some point in time of their lives, but you can't let fear consume you, my son.)

Natsu: (then what should I do I'm nothing like you I could never be a king like you. I'm not a leader I can't even take care of myself most of the time. I'm not worthy to be a king like you were)

Igneel: ( My son you don't have to be me you have to be you and everyone will follow you. I have one thing to tell you a dragon king is not measured by the number of mountains they can destroy or the number of dragons they make them follow him. The true measure of a dragon king is the resole he has, to protect the ones they hold dear, and how many people they can inspire, and trust me, my son, you outgrow me in both. You have a great big family and you inspired more people than you can imagine, through the life you have led up to this point. )

Acnologia: ( You have more power hidden in you than you believe and it's not your magic it's your spirit that transcends time and space and transforms lives where ever it touches)

Igneel: ( No my son stop letting doubt consume you and show these fools why you are the rightful king of dragons)

Natsu: ( thanks dad and thanks I guess Acnologia)

Acnologia: ( Whatever just get back to kicking some ass already )

Igneel: ( best of luck to you, and if you need us, we are always with you, in your heart my son)

Natsu: ( okay time to get back to kicking some ass ) * opens his eyes as if he, woken up, from a dream* ( Well I'm still stuck so let's see what we can do)

Skullion: I don't know if you can hear me in there or not, but once we destroyed this country. We will take all your dear dragoness friends with us, and eat some of them, and keep some to breed new dragons, and once the mothers can't be used anymore. We will kill them and repeat this process for as long as we live which, can be forever now. I can't wait to violet that blonde of yours she will be the cherry on top of our revenge cake.

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