Part 24

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They have dinner and prepare to retire to their rooms for the night. Stassy dragged Lucy into her room so they could have a private conversation.

Lucy: *She was in the mood to get freaky with Natsu, and she is getting in the way of that, so she is looking at her with a displeased expression.* What do you desire? Make this quickly because I was about to go and have fun with my hubby.

Stassy: Oh, Lucy, I am well aware of your plot; it was obvious from the moment you saw Natsu's new power.

Lucy: If you know, then stay out of my way. I was about to get simultaneously fucked by six or seven Natsus, and I wanted to pass out from the ecstasy I anticipated.

Stassy: Yes, I can't let you do that for a variety of reasons, but I'll give you a few to wake you up.

1. Do you think it's a good idea to tell your husband, who loves you more than anything, that you need more dicks in the bedroom to feel satisfied? You are essentially telling the man who would sacrifice his life for you that you are unsatisfactory. Do you want to do that?

2. Even if he were to approve of something simply out of love for you and to push the implications of what this would entail. Since no one has ever consumed the meat of a multi-scorpion, we are unsure how long he can maintain this power. How would you feel if you were addicted to his harem sex and he was no longer able to provide it? You would feel horrible.

3. Your persistent, accumulated lust would be a problem even if all those were somehow not an issue. I properly explained the nature of lust and love energy. If you don't remember, lust energy is the force that induces a physical attraction between two people. If the two energies are out of harmony, you know what will happen. Lust energy is what attracts two living things to one another, and love energy is what keeps them together.

Lucy: * sits on the bed and gives what she just said some serious thought. She is aware of her rightness, the impossibility of her request, and the necessity to find a means to manage her lust so that it doesn't eventually turn her into a sex-hungry beast* If you, of all people, have to advise me to quit being so horny, I'm seriously fucked. Natsu has repeatedly shown me that he would do anything to comfort me. Even though I was going through my changes, he was willing to continue to stay as a dragon. He only focused on me while ignoring the looks of those around us. I was overjoyed that he stood by me during that trying period and was so encouraging. I just wish he would not make me so horny for him. I have changed much from how I was before I turned into a full-fledged dragon, but I realize that it's only natural for people to change with time.

Stassy: For the time being, I can relieve your desire, but if you want to get help for your insatiable lust, I know a place that could. There is a tribe of people that don't wear clothing living on an island far from everything. They are always naked, and visitors are required to follow suit. They can show you how to purge your thoughts of lust and negativity.

Lucy: How would sending us to an island, where everyone is naked and we are also required to be would help me not want that gigantic dragon dick of my husband? Why are they not wearing clothes there?

Stassy: I've heard that a few hundred years earlier, some individuals attempted to conquer the island by supplying the tribe with clothing. Of course, the clothing was cursed, forcing the wearers to submit to their captors. They were held as slaves for a few years until one of their kind managed to escape the cursed clothing's grip, freeing the inhabitants, who then drove the invaders out. The tribe never again allowed anyone wearing clothing to enter their island and stopped wearing clothing or anything else that covered their natural bodies.

Lucy: Okay, so that explains why they aren't dressed, but how are they supposed to aid in my mental purging of all the horny thoughts I have about my husband?

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