Part 14

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The morning sun rises over magnolia and with it, the two dragons get ready to set out for their adventure. Natsu and Lucy leave their house and make a fast stop at the guild and drop off their house key to Mira and ask her to take care of their house while they are gonna and then they fly off into the unknown.

Natsu and Lucy fly for a day until they reach the borders of Fiore and they fly over the mountains that separate Fire from the neighboring kingdoms since it was getting dark they make a camp in the forest for the night.

Lucy: * eating a piece of cooked meat next to the fire* We finally made it out of Fiore now our adventures are beginning.

Natsu: They sure are, I thought since we flew close to the seaside we will get over the border faster than flying in the middle of the kingdom, but we still got here by nightfall, but we did fly at our current max speed.

Lucy: True I never realized how big Fiore is until I had to fly across it, but I'm sure once we see the rest of the world, Fiore will seem like some small kingdom compared to the rest of the world.

Natsu: Maybe but however small it will end up seeming it is still the place where I found you and where I was raised.

Lucy: Yeah true

Natsu: Let's go to sleep tomorrow we will continue our journey on foot okay.

Lucy: Sure my wings are sore as hell so I was thinking it would be best to let them rest for a bit.

Natsu: Yeah same here Lucy

They put the fire out and they cuddle up to each other while laying on a blanket under the stars while they keep each other warm.

The next morning comes around and Natsu and Lucy wake up.

Lucy: *softly kisses Natsu on the lips*

Natsu: * smirks at her and wraps his arms around her and kisses her deeply*

Lucy: * smiles and kisses him back*

Natsu: Morning cutie did you sleep well

Lucy: I sure did * gently pushes herself off of him* we should get going and find a town where we can find an inn where we can sleep on a real bed.

Natsu: and I thought that my chest was the perfect pillow for you

Lucy: It is but we need to find a place to stay while we get to know this new kingdom

Natsu: Yeah I guess you are

Before he could finish his answer screams and sounds of a struggle can be heard from beyond the threes. Natsu and Lucy pack their things and go to figure out what is going on. By the time they get to the place, where all the screaming was coming from, they only find one person surround by mangled up and spike pierced bodies.

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