Chapter 5

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I rummaged through my closet to find my favorite blue sweater. Even though it was getting close to summer, it was the nicest shirt I owned.

I quickly put on a pair of jean shorts that I usually used to farm in and headed out my door, feeling presentable. I slipped into my mother's bedroom and swiped on a little bit of lip gloss. Mother always complained when I wore make-up, believing in natural beauty, but everyone was caking it on their faces anyway.

Besides, it was only lip gloss.

I brushed my long hair and made sure the waves didn't look frizzy. When I decided I at least looked decent, I headed back down stairs. My father and my brother were at the bottom of the stairs and they almost looked at me with awe. 

"Okay, people seriously need to stop looking at me that way." I chuckled.

Niko and my father waved my mother and I out the door and we were on our way to the Province Services Office. Unfortunately, we didn't leave our house soon enough.

There was a mile-long line of girls who were handing in their selection forms and getting their pictures taken. I glanced at the many girls who all looked like clowns in fancy dresses and stylish hairdos.

I leaned into my mother. "I'm so glad you don't let me wear any of that gunk." I stated flatly and she giggled.

We were making fun of all the Twos with caked faces until we heard my mother's name.

"Kya, KYA!"

We turned around to see who was causing the racket, but it was the most bubbly family we knew; the Crystals.

"Hello Kya," Mrs. Crystals opened her arms wide to hug my mother. My mother returned the gesture. 

"Hello Stella."

I smiled at the mingling mothers until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I hesitated, but turned around to see and pair of bright green eyes looking at me.

"SOL!" Sam screamed and hugged me hard. I coughed when we embraced, but screamed back at her.


Suddenly, we were bouncing up and down as the line started to move forward.

"I'm so excited! Aren't you Sol? What if it's the two of us who go to the Palace?" She and I both sighed at that thought.

That would solve all my problems. I wouldn't have to miss Sam, and my family would be happy.

"That's a really nice though," I smiled but then sighed. "But what are the chances of that happening?"

"Not very likely," she admitted and laughed.

After an hour of waiting on line, I felt little droplets fall on me and looked up toward the sky. Sam was the next person in line to take her photo, but the sky was darkening and the sound of thunder threatened anyone who dared to stay outside. The little drops grew larger and started to come down faster. All the Twos behind us started to scream due to their ruined hair, clothes, accessories and makeup. One of the girl's makeup had already started to run down her face in a black and cream stream.

As Sam and her mom walked inside, an idea hit me. I would have the most natural picture in one of nature's wonders; I am a Four and I don't need a perfectly styled and posed picture. Basic things are what I like best.

I quickly filed inside the Province Services Office and signed a form saying all the information I had put on my Selection form was the truth. Signing the neatest I could, I ran to the available photographer. Before she could ask me to sit down and smile at the camera, or question my motives, I rushed her and myself out the front door into the pouring rain.

When my idea hit her, she gave me a small smile.

The photographer got her camera set up and I held my hands up flat to catch the beautiful drops of water. I flashed a smile as if I had already been crowned princess of Illéa, and her camera instantly flashed. She moved her eyes away from the camera to look at the picture.

"Beautiful," she breathed and I felt my cheeks heat up. I thanked her, and before I left she approached me.

"If this whole Selection thing doesn't work out, please give me a call." she placed a tiny square of paper in my palm and closed it tight. I smiled up at her, gave a small nod, and turned away with my mother.

I don't care what anyone, especially Fabian, thinks about me. I don't need anyone else's opinion to be the best me I can be. That photographer insinuated I was beautiful simply by handing me a modeling card; she must've thought I am a Two. If she knew I was truly a Four, this slip of paper probably wouldn't be clutched between my sopping fingers right now.

I must have had the brightest smile on my face because everyone who saw me walk by gave me a big smile back.

"I'm so proud of you Sol," my mother whispered to me, and I let out a happy sigh. I hadn't the slightest clue of what there was to be proud of, but I was happy to hear her say those words; that I had done something to make someone proud.

I wrapped my right arm around her waist, and she wrapped her arm around mine. Once again, things were going perfectly. I couldn't wait to see what the future has in store for me. Maybe this whole thing won't be so bad after all.

Truly Selected (Book One of The Next Selection Series)Where stories live. Discover now