Chapter 6

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Beck's POV

I haven't seen Tori in like a week or so, I miss her she is fun, we always have fun together, and I miss Jade too, her darkness adds something to the table. I haven't seen both of them for a week, I've only been with Cat, she is a little clingy. I don't wanna be mean, but it feels like we are together every second of every day, and a man needs his space.

Right now am outside school waiting for Cat who is inside talking to Sikowitz about something, I don't know what. We are supposed to go to her house.

She finally came after what felt like hours but it's only been like 10 minutes.

Cat: hey babe (kisses him)
Me:(pulls away) hey, ready to go?
Cat: yeah, oh BTW I invited Jade and Tori if you don't mind.
Me: no, I don't mind (smiles)
Cat: great! (Enters car)

We drove to her house and am wondering if she told them she is coming with me. I can't wait to see them, we will have so much fun like we usually do when we are all together.

Thinking of friends, I haven't seen my best friend, Robbie in a while. We stopped hanging out when I and Cat started dating. I hope he doesn't feel like I abandoned him because of a girl. I'd hate it if he quit hanging out with me because he had a girlfriend. After this am gonna go to his house and apologize.

We reached Cat's house and got out of the car. We walked to her doorway to find Tori and Jade there waiting for her. They seemed surprised to see me so am guessing they didn't know I was coming.

Tori: hey guys
Jade: Cat, you didn't tell us you were coming with him, I thought we'd just be hanging out as just girls.
Cat: sorry, I forgot to tell you guys I invited him
Jade: whatever (rolls her eyes)
Me: hello to you too, Jade

Cat unlocked the door and let us in.

Me: haven't seen you guys in a week, anything new happening?
Tori: nope, nothing

She looked down and then looked around, feeling the tension in the air. Tori was playing with the lace on her hoodie, bouncing on her toes slowly, tip-toeing, and standing flat on her feet, repeatedly, and Jade was just giving me a cold stare with her scissors in her hands. It was an awkward moment and then Tori decided to break the silence.

Tori: so cat, how is everything, with you and Beck?
Cat: great, he is the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. (Pecks him on the lips)
Jade: (rolls her eyes)
Tori: come on... (Playfully pokes Jade with her elbow) they're cute
Jade: well their 'cuteness' is starting to get old
Cat: don't be such a hater
Me: so Tori, are you excited to perform at the PMAs?
Tori: Yes, who wouldn't be?
Jade: you better have gotten me a front-row ticket. (Cutting a flower with her scissors)
Cat: bossy!
Jade: what was that??
Cat: nothing!

She crashed into my arms from fright, her head was laying on my chest and I had my arms around her.

Jade: ok, I have to admit, you two do make a cute couple

Tori just looked down at her arms and then looked back up at the two of us and smiled a little.

Tori: they do, don't they

She looked at the both of us, then at me, my eyes locked to hers for a second before she cleared her throat and got up.

Tori: hey, Cat, do you mind if I get some water?
Cat: no, I can get it for you
Tori: no thanks, it's fine, I'll get it.

Tori's POV

What is wrong with me? Did one week away from him do nothing?? Am supposed to just be his friend, but friends don't get lost in each other's eyes like that. Maybe I simply need more time away from him.

I feel awful, I shouldn't be crushing on my friend's boyfriend, it makes me a terrible friend, I need to keep my distance.

Right now I get lost in his eyes, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, before I know it we might share a kiss, then I will be the worst friend ever.

Why do I have to have so much chemistry with a guy I can't even be with??? And why does he have to be so hot?!!

I was drinking a glass of water as I had these thoughts running through my head, then I heard someone's footsteps, I turned around to see it was Beck.

He leaned on the counter before speaking.

Beck: hey Tori, is something bothering you?
Me: no, why?
Beck: idk you just seem a little on the edge today
Me: there is nothing wrong

He stopped leaning on the counter and stood up straight, then started walking up to me

Beck: are sure

He asked as he got closer, being this close to him sent my heart racing

Me: yeah am fine

I said before quickly heading back to the living room

Me: Cat, I just remembered I have to help my sister with something at home, so I have to go. Jade, mind driving me home?
Jade: nope, it's either that or stay with these losers and become the third wheel

She got up from the couch and followed me

Me: bye guys see you tomorrow at school

We got out and then she popped a question

Jade: what happened between you and Beck back there?
Me: Nothing, he just said I seem a little on the edge, I told him I was OK
Jade: then why'd you make an excuse to live
Me: I just feel uncomfortable being alone with him since Cat already feels like we are too close
Jade: so? He is kind of your friend, you can't let Call make you avoid him
Me: but he is her boyfriend
Jade: he is your friend
Me: she is too
Jade: exactly and if she is a good one she won't keep you from hanging out because of her insecurities
Me: I need to give them their space, him an I aren't even friends, we are more like friendly acquaintances.
Jade: but
Me: no buts, Cat didn't ask for me to do that, I just feel like I should if am gonna be a good friend

The issue is that I don't want them breaking up because Cat would be heartbroken, but if they did I wouldn't have to avoid him because he wouldn't be in our lives, it would be so much easier

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