Chapter 20

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Tori's POV

I heard Beck call my name, so I looked back, he was talking to Evie so I guess he didn't call me. I saw them hugging and it made me a little bit insecure. Who am I kidding, I felt very insecure.

Sure she is with Andre now, but she cheated on Beck, not sure she won't do the same to Andre. Plus why'd Beck hug her, I thought he was done with her and hated her after he found out she cheated.

Was this all a mistake, should I not have given him a chance? I know they were just hugging but that looked like one tight hug. I felt a little bummed after watching that hug and so I quickly entered class.

He has involved himself with 3 girls in the same week, am not sure if I will be able to trust him. I mean he might be trustworthy, but idk and I don't wanna take the chance of getting my heart broken... Maybe this was a mistake.

Jade's POV

It was evening and I was at my house, waiting for Andre for get here. I heard the doorbell ring and I opened the door expecting to see him. But he came with his gf. Like he could've brought anyone else but he brought her?? Really???!

Evie: hi Jade
Andre: hey Jade, I hope you don't mind I brought Evie with me.
Me: not at all (fake smiles)

I let the both of them in and while he wasn't looking, Evie gave me a death glare. Then when he was facing the both of us she put on a fake smile. What a fake bitch.

Me: so what should we do?
Evie: lets watch a movie
Me: sure what movie
Andre: how about 'Truth or Care'
Me: Yes I've been dying to watch that movie
Evie: wait... Isnt that a horror movie?
Me: yes... What? Are you scared or something?
Evie: no...
Me: Good. Ill go get us some snacks
Evie: let me come help you
Me: thanks (fake smiles)

We headed to the kitchen where she finally showed her true colors.

Evie: OK, bitch, you're gonna stay away from my boyfriend. I don't need him around a fucking slut like you.
Me: what did you just call me?!
Evie: I called you a slut. You know, another word for it would be hoe or whore.
Me: you are lucky your boyfriend is here or else I would have beaten you up right now.
Evie: am not afraid of you, asshole.
Me: ohh you should be.
Evie: IDC stay away from him, or I'll make him stay away from you. Your choice.
Me: is that supposed to be a threat?
Evie: no. It's a warning.
Me: am not gonna listen to you.
Evie: fine, but I always get what I want, and I want you two away from each other. And that is what ill get, whether you like it or not.
Me: oh really? How? He'll think your just jealous if you tell him to stay away from me.
Evie: who said I was gonna tell him anything?

She looked through my kitchen drawers till she found a knife.

Me: wow am not surprised if you are a serial killer.
Evie: Shut the fuck up

She put the knife handle in my hand, which made me confused, and then reached her pocket and pulled out... a razor? She cut her wrist and winced before she whimpered in pain letting a few tears drop, and a little blood dripped.

Evie: ow! Jade, why did you do that?
Me: what? I didn't do anything!
Andre: what is going on in there?

He came and the scene did not look good for me. I looked like I was the one that cut her.

Evie: she told me to stay away from you, but I refused because your my boyfriend and I really like you, but then she grabbed her knife and cut me because I refused to stay away.
Me: WHAT???!!! No she is lying, she is the one that told me to stay away from you!!
Andre: oh and am guessing she cut herself too.
Me: that's exactly what she did!!!
Andre: she told me she didn't want me around you because she didn't trust you, I see why now. Stay away from the both of us, I don't wanna see you again. Come on babe, lets take you home and see if there are any plasters for that cut.

He held her hand and took her out before giving me a disappointed look.

I ease dropped as they were out of my house but not so far from the house, and I could see them through a window.

Evie: thank you, I know I can trust you to protect me.
Andre: yeah, I don't want anyone hearing you.

She then pulled him in for a kiss, using her woundless arm, probably because the cut was fresh and would hurt if it touched anything.

She put her arm around his neck and he put his arms around her waist. Then he was lifting her a little bit before she put her legs around his torso, he now hand his hands under her thighs since he was carrying her, and so they were leaning on his car, they hadn't separated they're lips still.

I saw her open her eyes before winking at me then she closed them again, focusing on they're make out session.

I just turned my back to that window, put my hands on my face, and slowly slid down till I was on the floor, dramatically.

I have to give this bitch credit, she knows what she is doing. I just, idk why seeing them like that hurts so much, it was a simple crush why am I acting like we were in love or something?

Well first I couldn't date him, but now we can't even be friends, and it's all because of that bitch.

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