Chapter 24

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Andre's POV

Me: wait, you had a crush on me
Jade: yeah,
Me: wow, I didn't know.
Jade: good because i wouldn't want you to since you were with her.
Me: am sorry, I still don't know who to believe, but can we just move past it?
Me: plz let us.

So I guess everything is cool between us, only now that I know she has crush on me, am kind of starting to crush on her too, but it should wear off soon.

Tori's POV

Thursday finally came and it is now evening, meaning school is over, Beck said to dress casual so when I got home I showered and put on an outfit that I would wear on any occasion, and right now am going through my phone on the couch as am waiting for him.

I heard the doorbell ring and ofc it was him, he greeted me with a peck on the lips and we headed to his car. I was looking out through the window like I was in some kind of movie when I felt his hand on mine and I turned to face him. He had the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel on my hand and he held it and smiled, making me smile and blush, am just happy his eyes were focused on the road so he didn't see how red my face was.

We came to a stop and I got out of the car and froze.

The view was so beautiful. There was a cliff not so far from the valley where there were so many trees. There were a lot of flowers around and they just made the place look amazing. The sunset was just so beautiful, the sky was a mixture of blue, a little purple, pink and white.

Me: it's beautiful!
Beck: I know, it is where I usually come to think. You continue enjoying the view, am set up the picnic.

I did as he said happily and continue looking around. I could hear some birds chirping and the wind blowing through my hair, not dramatically like in the movies but I felt it. It was a lot of wind and it made me shiver a little bit but I didn't mind. It all felt very nice.

Beck: Are you cold?
Tori: (shakes her head) no, I'm fine. (Smiles)
Beck: You're shivering. Here, take my jacket.
Tori: Beck, I'm only shivering a little bit. I'm fine.

He is really sweet. I hope that we can make a go of being together.

You Make Me CrazyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora