Chapter 19

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Andre's POV

Jade just asked if I could hang out but before I could answer she walked away. That girl is confusing sometimes.

Me: wait! Jade!
Jade: yeah?
Me: yeah, lets hang out. Is it OK if I come over to your place tomorrow?
Jade: yeah. See you then.

She seems less scary than I remember. I wonder what's going on with her. Why did she say she knows am dating Evie, what does that have to do with us hanging out? I hope she doesn't think I spend all my time with her.


I found out why she mentioned Evie when she asked me. The girl is really possessive and insecure.

Evie: why did you agree to hang out with her???
Me: because she is my friend???
Evie: well I don't trust her. You can't be friends with her.
Me: don't tell me who I can or can't be friends with!!
Evie: OK but at least let me come with you.
Me: fine, its not like we are hiding anything anyway.

Jeez women be crazy.

Cat's POV

I saw Tori and Beck together at school and so I walked up to them to see what was going on.

Me: hey guys, so su you clear things up last night?
Beck: yeah, we did
Tori: you sure you don't mind us being together?
Me: no! Not at all! Especially since you aren't dating behind my back or anything.
Tori: well we haven't made anything official yet, we haven't even gone on one date.e
Me: really?
Tori: yeah. Well I better go to class, don't wanna be late. See you guys later

She gave Beck a peck on the lips and left. When I saw she was out of sight I slapped Beck's arm.

Beck: ow!
Me: oh please, that barely hurt. And how tf havent you asked her out yet???
Beck: well yesterday was all about getting her to not hate me, I asked her to give me a chance, but she never really say yes.
Me: did she kiss you??
Beck: yes...

I slapped his arm again

Beck: quit that!
Me: dude! How stupid can you be??? A kiss is better than any yes she could've given you!!
Beck: OK, so what do you want me to do??
Me: go ask her out!
Beck: now?
Me: yes! Now go!! And you better not break her heart and dumb her like you almost did to me.
Beck: yeah, sorry about that.
Me: Go!!
Beck: OK...

Beck's POV

I never saw this tough side of Cat when we were dating. Well we dated for a really short time anyway. She seemed like a delicate, innocent, cutie. Now she is acting like a boss, she is really confident when its comes to sticking up for her friends.

Come to think of it, they all are, like how Jade and Tori threatened me, not to break Cat's heart. I love how they all care for each other and try making sure the other doesn't get hurt. But they don't have to worry about me.

There is just something I have with Tori, that I can't find with other girls, and I don't know what it is. I know it sounds vague and cheesy but that's really how I feel.

I was catching up with her so I could ask her out like Cat said, but then Evie appeared stopping me from chasing after Tori.

Me: what do you want???
Evie: am dating Andre and you're with Tori, I just wanna clear things so you'll forgive me. So they'll be no hate between us.
Me: Should've thought about that before you cheated on me.
Evie: please, I won't leave you till you forgive me.
Me: fine whatever.

I was about to go and catch up with Tori but then Evie hugged me, and her hug was a little too tight and she wouldn't let go.

Me: OK... You can let go now.
Evie: sorry, well see you later.

Cat caught up to me and gave me a glare.

Me: I was trying to get to Tori, but that crazy girl wouldn't let me OK? She hugged me and wouldn't let go.

I explained. She just closed her eyes a little bit, they weren't fully closed, and then said 'am watching you' with sign language, before heading to class.

I can always ask Tori out later. At least before I do I have some time to think about what we can do together.

Evie's POV

I ease dropped on Beck and Cat's conversation and I paniced when he went to ask Tori out. So I went and stalledd him so he would be too late and she'd be in class. I know I have no right to keep him away from other girls when we are not even dating anymore. I know I said Andre is the one I wanna be with... But I still like Beck... A lot!

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