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Byeol's POV

"Hey, get up!"

I heard a voice, but I just shrugged it off. Turning to the other side of my bed. I was too sleepy to wake up for school.


I groaned and sat up, looking to the person.

"Seyeon shut up -"

I started the yell, but I realized what I had just said.


I rubbed my eyes, but there he was, standing in front of me. I looked around us, and there was just tall grass around us.

Must be my imaginative Seyeon again.

I looked down, and I was lying on dirt.

"What is going on?"

I got up and dusted myself off. I looked to Seyeon again.

"What are you still doing here?"

I went to shove him, expecting for him to fade away, but I was actually able to touch him.

"Ow, what did I do?"

He groaned, grabbing his chest.

"I touched you!"

I gasped, stepping back. I looked around again, trying to figure out why I was in the middle of nowhere and why Seyeon was in front of me.

Only one answer came to mind....

"Did I die?!"

I covered my mouth in shock.

"No! Well, yes, but no! Just for a little -"

"A little?!!"

My heart started to race.

"But you're fine now, Seojun saved you!"


Everything came back from the class trip. It's making me tense up.

"So why am I here? I should be on the school trip."

Seyeon stepped closer to me, and I stepped back.


"You're unconscious, actually steering towards death."

I widened my eyes.

"I thought you said I wasn't dead?!"

I said a little too loudly, but Seyeon over here was giving me a heart attack.

"No, no, you're okay, come look!"

Seyeon grabbed my hand.

Or fake Seyeon, I didn't trust this. What if God disguised someone to look like him? But I am not dead, right? Why would he want to convince me? IS THIS THE DEVIL'S WORK?!

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