Personal Repentance.

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There was a time, I was determine to tell to all people to individually and personally come back to GOD in secret way by writing, not mentioning my personal name.

In this time, I become addicted to "praise and worship songs" that famous in world and I always play and hear it.
That night, I was writing: holding a pencil in my hand with an ordinary notebook.

Then, suddenly I gently closed my eyes to fall asleep that make me wonder if I was really fall asleep, cause it feels like I just closed it to open it again. It was the same surrounding and I was seeing myself the same; but the presence of the room where I was become different.

Suddenly, I heard a praise song; like it was playing near to me. It came from a group where the main singer was a lad. That song was known by my spirit as one of the most famous praise song in world from a famous band (the song has a mix of rock music). But the time the song enter my ears, a presence of fear with pain severely torment me, where even my breathe have been taken away like being drown. I cannot move like my whole body was being in chain. The song was being filtered in my ears in spirit, that when it entered in my ears it was translated in spiritual form. From the image of praising GOD in the world, it was translated as praise song for Satan in spiritual; that causing the suffering I was encountering.

I was struggling hard because of suffering and my breathe being taken away. I ask help to the LORD; that made me release in what I was encountering: therefore I find relief.

Then, I heard audibly the voice of the LORD saying this words with very sorrowful voice:
"I cannot give them Holy Spirit, they don't come near me anymore."

Then, I encounter a presence that the image of it was shown in my mind.
Behind the LORD (even I cannot see His face) was a solemn celebration where thousand of angels was rejoicing; singing a beautiful, solemn, full of love for the LORD praise song in very heavenly way. It was a celebration when someone wholeheartedly repent to GOD.
The LORD said in a rejoicing voice:
"I see a girl in the mess, but now...I am seeing her a lot".

I thought I was the girl He was reffering to; cause I encounter repentance, therefore my tears flow down from my eyes.

Then, I  closed it to open it gently to wake up while my tears remain flowing.

They are a lot of people professing as a Christian. But there are only "few" who personally repent directly to the LORD through faith and receive Holy Spirit. I know that most was saved through an "authority" of a human alone; who believe they have been saved even they "don't carry" an evidence that the Holy Spirit was now in them, and there is No new life taken place in them.

We lack to come directly to the LORD because we trust man more than Him and we see man as mediator rather than Christ alone.   We used to repent infront of men and ask forgiveness from GOD through them, it is written in scriptures  it was only through our LORD JESUS CHRIST we can come to the FATHER cause He was the one who shed blood for remission of our sins. As a human we cannot grant, forgiveness of GOD for others, we are not GOD. But the LORD JESUS can cause He came from the Father and He is our LORD.

We live in a world that forsake "baptizing in Holy Spirit" is a work of salvation of GOD alone to any human being; where it can only be perform by GOD toward someone; cause it was ressurecting a dead life to GOD giving him a new heart, new Spirit and a mind of Christ. Only those receive an authority from the LORD where His Spirit dwells can pour out His Spirit from others like Apostle Paul. But, in our time, their is no Apostle going from place to place cause it is written in new Jerusalem from Heaven their names are in their in there is no others names added to them. Through scriptures or word of GOD, their presence still alive in earth and we can encounter them not physically but by faith.

Repentance and receiving GOD's forgiveness through CHRIST is entering in a process where GOD will reborn you spiritually through His Holy Spirit (that is baptism in Holy Spirit). He will make you alive to Him and dead to the world giving you a new life being a new creation where you always desire to be under the LORDship of CHRIST because of Grace or salvation you didn't earn by work but receive as a gift.

Remember a new creation is new creation. There will an evidence of transformation taken place in from power and work of GOD in you. It is not your will to yourself to be "of GOD" but a GOD's will to be His people and children of GOD through Christ.

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