The throne

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July 2017

The LORD in throne.

As I was reading the bible like a child reading a story book that truly happen with delight from GOD, I was amaze in King Saul; the first king appointed by GOD to be king of Israel where he only become a king because GOD appointed him.
It is not about his background, not even about him and not even because the Isralites chose him to be king; but GOD decide that he will be a king, therefore he become a king.

While being amaze in heart about king Saul, I felt sleepy. I easily fall asleep and closed my eyes where I open it gently seeing myself wearing white robe bear foot.

I was standing before a throne in a very pure white place. For the one who sit in the throne, I was in His right side. I saw the LORD sitting in His throne ( He was bigger than I) made out of pure gold. He was wearing white robe with a golden sash that laid from His shoulder down. His face was like a sun in a noonday  (It was light and I cannot literally see His face) but it doesn't hurt your eyes. His Presence is known by spirit as a Creator where all life have been created from (you would not want to desire to dissappear in encountering that Presence).
But then, I immediately open my eyes to gently wake up with a great "shock"  cause it was like I saw Him just for a "seconds of time".

I am in question why I saw the LORD if I was being amazed about King Saul wholeheartedly. Therefore, I made a conclusion that the LORD, doesn't want that my heart was stealed by His creation, if I was delighting to read words from Him.
Cause, my motive and delight was right, but my adoration was not on Him. I did admit that my adoration to king Saul lead me to forsake the LORD JESUS as King appointed by GOD for everlasting.

You see, oftentimes we have right motive, right delight, right reason but we left behind the "greatest truth" that there is "none like GOD" and He doesn't give His glory to anyone. We ought to share gospel looking at men while abandoning the beauty of the LORD. We ought to tell them to come back to GOD while forsaking His grace and unfailing love in our LORD JESUS.  We ought to serve GOD through our own hands, while we greatly ignore the salvation was the very work of His hand. We put ourselves in worries about a lot of things, even though His will for us is to dwell in His name and rest; not forsaking He delight in lovingkindness and justice.

Oh, Lord we have sin. How bit we thought we dwell and adore you alone but find ourselves focus in your creation while forskaing Thy name. Oh, how many times we forsake You where a Jealous GOD; cause Thy glory cannot be compare to anything and anyone. By admitting; we are reminded, that You alone is exalthed high. You alone reside in Holiness that no one has. May Oh LORD Thy lovingkindness and faithfulness also lead us to come back to GOD. Adoring His beauty in His temple and exalthing the works of His hand.
In the name of Thy Son and for Thy Son I pray, let us grow in the knowledge and power of our LIVING LORD GOD.

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