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THE SCHOOL DAY HAD ENDED and all six teens infiltrated the Quinn's household

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THE SCHOOL DAY HAD ENDED and all six teens infiltrated the Quinn's household. They entered the kitchen chattering over each other while Mrs Quinn stared at them with a grin appearing on her face as she watched them discard their blazers and clutched her half full washing basket.

Within seconds the teens were stripped of their dark clothes leaving them in only their shirts and underwear. Mrs Quinn gave them chores and so they were currently working together washing the filthy dishes.

"Hey! Let me look at that. You call that clean, do you?" The woman shouts at James nodding her head in the direction of the plate he was holding. "Different standards, you see, Mary." Sarah shakes her head, both scrunched their face at the plate. "You're not in England now, son"

"Orla was the one who washed it." James tells the adults cowering from their narrowed eyes. "Oh, Okay. Okay. I have had it with you, James, and your picking, picking, picking, and I won't take it any more. Do you hear me?" Orla suddenly outbursts moving towards him in a slightly threatening manner.

This causes everyones eyes to widen and stare in shock. "Is everything OK, Orla?" James asks but before Orla can reply her mother speaks up. "I warned you, Orla. You're putting yourself under too much pressure."

"Can't fail, Mammy." Orla's eyes meet the ground. "Since when have you been troubled by exams?" Erin questions, confused by the girls sudden fear of failure.

"Exams? What are you on about, Erin?" Orla towers over her cousin. "What are you on about, Orla?" The blonde repeats the question but turning it around on Orla.

"Step." Orla bluntly states in an obvious tone. "I'm sorry?" Erin was baffled by her answer. "Step aerobics." The brunette re-confirmed.

Saoirse, Clare, Michelle and James stood there watching interaction unclear of what was happening continuing on with the dishes. "Orla has got really into step aerobics. Her instructor says she's a natural. Says she's got what it takes to go all the way." Sarah says taking pride in her daughters hard work.

"What the fuck is step aerobics?" Saoirse's leans in to whisper in James' ear who just shrugs and blushes from the close proximity and the current lack of clothes. "All the way in step aerobics?" Mary tilts her head wondering how you could go all the way.

"But it's out of control now, Mary. She's stepping morning, noon and night. Apart from anything else, it's dangerous. She nearly came through the ceiling yesterday. Okay, she might be gifted, but I just want her to have a normal childhood." Sarah rambles on about her worries.

"I won't give it up. I can't." Orla dramatically declares in determination ignores her mothers complaining. "Listen to yourself, love." Sarah sighs.

The two were interrupted by Mary shoving a basket out in front of them. "Now, whites." She demands causing the teens to cover themselves.

A few days later, after a shouting from her mother and father about the state of her now pink shirt, Saoirse was in school waltzing about in pink uniform. The teens were angry with Erin but when she plead for their help they all agreed.

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