See You Again

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I don't own any of the characters that are from Naruto in the story as Masashi Kishimoto owns it all.

I was able to locate her very quickly after I went looking for her.

I spotted Iniko and Kabuto walking towards the open front gate, their hands interlocked as they made their way.

I had a hunch that they might be headed to the front gate and so I decided to check it out. As I got closer, I saw them walking towards it and was able to quickly identify them.

"Iniko! Where are you going with him?" I shouted as I ran towards them.

The pair stopped at my voice, turned around and were caught off guard by my appearance.

Iniko's eyes were black, the opposite of mine, and her face was pale with shock. Her eyes were black, framed by her long dark lashes, and her pupils were dilated with fear.

I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there, watching them. Iniko's lips trembled as she tried to find any words.

It was as if Iniko had no control over her own body, or her own decisions. Her eyes stared blankly at me, as if she were in a trance.

Her hands were still intertwined with Kabuto's, and she seemed unable to break away from him. It was almost like he had taken control of her, and she was powerless to stop him.

Kabuto, on the other hand, was wearing a sly grin, as if he had expected me to appear. His demeanor was confident and he seemed pleased to have been caught with Iniko.

His eyes glinted with mischief and he seemed to be enjoying the situation. He even seemed to be relishing the fact that Iniko was unable to break away from his grip.

"You, who are you?" Iniko asked in anger.

"I'm Hinata, Hinata Hyūga, don't you recognise me Iniko?" I said, trying to get her attention. I felt a wave of anger wash over me as I saw Kabuto's smirk.

Iniko seemed to be struggling with something within her, as if she was fighting an inner battle. I kept my gaze on her, hoping that she would be able to recognise me and break away from Kabuto's grip.

She looked at me with surprise and asked, "How do you know my name? I don't know you!"

That was how it started, and now I was in the middle of a fight with what felt like a sister who was older than me.

I had no choice but to use a genjutsu technique, hoping to break the spell Kabuto had cast on Iniko. However, when her curse seal was activated, her power was doubled and I knew I had no chance of winning against her. I had to think fast and find a way to save Iniko from Kabuto's control.

I was barely able to process what was happening before I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, unable to move.

I could hear Iniko and Kabuto's voices in the distance, but I was too dazed to make sense of what they were saying. My vision was blurred and my head was spinning.

The last thing I remember was the sound of their footsteps as they ran away, leaving me lying on the ground in a state of shock. . . .


"Gaara! Why did you have to run away like that?"

As I jumped through the trees, following the path of the tiny grains of sand that were on the leaves, I mumbled under my breath as I picked my way over the debris.

I had underestimated the boy, thinking he was too dumb to find his way out of the forest. But here he was, navigating his way around the trees with ease. Maybe he wasn't dumb after all.

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