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First Ultrasound
"Nervous?" Ashi whispered to tanzeel. She were laying on the bed and, watching him sit in the chair beside her. His leg bounced up and down, something he did when he was nervous.
Ashi puts a hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. He looked at you and smiled slightly.Just as she was about to speak something, the door opened and in walked the doctor.

" Let's begin shall we?"
she smiled, setting up. "It's a little cold, sorry,"
she said putting the the gel on her stomach and placing the wand against it. Moments later she broke the silence, "By the looks of things you are 9 weeks," she paused and pointed it to the screen "this here is the baby's head and it's body just there." Although the image was small and blurry, but ashi was in awe of the what she was seeing. She felt her eyes fill tears, but she quickly blinked them away and looked at tanzeel. "Are you crying?" You asked him. He sniffed again, shaking his hand, "it's just-" he paused and looked at her" that's our baby!" She nodded and reaching over to wipe his tears. "Your little one is growing perfectly, everything looks great," The doctor smiled. She gasped, her hand covering your mouth in amazement. He bought her hand to his lips , placing a kiss on her knuckles. I'll give you both a minute,"

She said leaving the room.

"It's perfect," she whispered. "I Love you," Tanzeel said leaning down and kissing her on her lips ,"and our little one so much."


In the Evening


She was sitting in big comfy chair and legs curled up beneath her, a book in her one hand, and the other one resting on her stomach.
My smile widened when I stepped closer. Her fingers drew patterns over her stomach. As I watched her, I saw it; a small bump growing under her shirt. I knelt beside the chair and looked up at her. She looked away from her book and smiled.
I think she knew what I was looking at,as she took my hand and put it up where hers were "That's incredible, " I whispered amazed.
"Want to join us?" she asked, closing her book.
I nodded and sat beside her not taking my hand of her stomach. As ashu snuggled into me, I begun drawing patterns over her swollen Belly, I smiled, feeling blessed to hold the two people I love the most in this whole world. I absentmindly started singing softly, making ashu close her eyes and drifft of to sleep.

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