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It's been a week since unns came to help around the house. Ashi was at one of her last appointments before giving birth. She was called into the room.

"Hi there miss Ashima Khanna! How are you today."
   "Good. How are you?"
   "I'm doing well thanks. Are you ready to start ?"
   "Yes I am."
The appointment went smoothly. as the doctor went over different things that would be happening over the last few weeks of pregnancy.
            "Is there anything that might be concerning that we've talked about or we haven't talked about?"
"Well yeah! I've been getting these really strong Braxton Hicks contractions they go away once I eat but slowly fade. Almost like in slow-motion.
"On a scale of one to ten, how bad are the Braxton Hicks?"
   "About a seven or an eight most of the time."
   "Alright,just b'coz you're experiencing these strong Braxton Hicks contractions and how you're only 34 weeks, I'm gonna check to see if you're dilated.
   She nodded her head and got in the required position. The doctor checked her and nodded.
       "What I thought." The doctor sighed.
"You're 2 centimetres dilated. There's no need to worry, you aren't in labour. Your cervix is just getting ready for the childbirth.

"So how long should it be until I go into labour?"
"We want to keep your baby inside until 26 weeks so they can breath more independently when she come outs.So we're shooting for atleast 2 weeks.
"Ok. What would happen if I go into labour earlier than a two weeks."
      "An emergency C section then straight onto air to help her breath. She would have to possibly stay into the NICU for a month to make sure she can breath independently."
      "Thanks." ashi smiled
"No problem. see you next appointment . Take care of yourself and don't overwork your body."
               "Ok doctor." She said
She drove away home with tears in her eyes. When she pulled into the driveway she wiped her tears and walked into the house.
        "Ashi how was your appointment?" Unns  said wiping her hands on a rag.
"Good. interesting but good doctor said that the baby might come early. I'm already dilated two centimetres ." She teared up.

"Ashu are you alright?" Unns asked coming towards her.
"Yeah the doctor said that if the baby decided to come early then they would have to put her on air for about a  month cause she wouldn't be able to breath on her own." She sniffled as tanzeel came into the room,
"Ashu baby what's wrong?"
"the baby may come early resulting in her for staying in the NICU  for a month to let her breath on her own." Unns said as tanzeel hugged her (ashi)
He held her until she calmed down. She cleaned her face as tanzeel brought down the stroller and car seats with a couple of toys. He took them out of the boxes and put the car seat toys on the handles.
"I'm gonna put these in the car,then I'll come back to figure out the stroller part. He laughed.
He was able to get the car seats in the car no problem and was also able to figure out the stroller with the help of manav. Unns made the three of them dinner and the night went smoothly. She didn't know of it was because of the doctor's appointment or because she was close to her due date but she couldn't go to bed. All she knew was that dad by day the Braxton Hicks were getting stronger & lighter.

im updating so constantly!
comment atleast ;((

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