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With a guilty face, tanz looked at his wife who was not even ready to look at his guilty yet handsome face.

He looked at Sanket who was getting all the attention, which he deserved from her, as his wife.

"You want to go out at this hour? What will tanzeel say? he heard Sanket ask.

Rolling her eyes, she finally looked at him in the eye " I don't care what he says. He has no rights to tell me anything anymore. "

It pained tanzeel's heart immensely to hear her be so cruel over their relationship of so many years..

Did you have a fight with tk? Sanket asked with a raised eyebrow,

Scoffing, she turned to him and says " I had a war with him in our room"

Sanket chuckled, "I don't wanna know bedroom stories" he shut up on seeing her glare at him. "Soryy my louu"

With a pause, he added, "but sadly I can't take you out, The weather is cold nd you'd fall sick , soon."

This is when tanzeel stepped in, "it's OK sanku. Take her out for sometime. I'll take care of her after she comes back.

Ashi pointedly looked at him and said," I am not going anywhere, now"

"but you wanted to"- he said with a confused look.

"Yeah! Without your permission. I am not your servant who needs to ask you anything" Ashi said, " I still didn't forget what you have done to me."

"You at getting it completely wrong ashima"- but have his words ever been heard?

Sanket looked at tanzeel, "Bhai did you cheat on her? Or something??"

When tanzeel just looked at Sanket, his eyes went wide "how could you?? Bhai?!"

" I didn't want to, but there was no other option." Defened tanzeel.

" I thought that ashu would understand but she's not ready to listen a word on my defense ," cried tanzeel.

" but I will correct all my wrongs. I will Make her forgive me . She will forget about this betrayal. My love will make her to do that. Said a determined tanzeel.

" Hope so she forgives your betrayal," Mumbled Sanket.


Ashi walked down the stairs and saw everyone sitting in the hall.

" Good Morning " she wished each and everyone, except her guilty handsome husband.

It pained her to see his face, now. How badly she wants to forget what he did to her but she can't. Her heart won't allow her to go against her morals and forget that unfaithful night when he confessed his cheat to her . After her asking him on finding the evidence.

"I'll go and make hot chocolate for me!" She turned to the kitchen as an excuse to not be in the presence of her husband.

But she was wrong, now it would be more private with him following her.

"Ashu"- he tried to hold her hand but she stepped back!
"Don't touch me with same hand, you cheated me with " she said Turning around and bringing a glass from the drawer

"I'm regretting it" , he confessed "I really am."

" Things can't be the same tanzeel" she reminded him.

Opening the fridge to remove some milk, she was surprised. Whole fridge was filled with icecream.

Sharply turning to tanzeel, she went near him " You think that filling the fridge with my favorite icecream would help ?"

Tanzeel signed. He thought that giving the girl the thing she loves will lessen her treatment towards him.

But he was surprised when he felt something press his cheek.

Perhaps, he hadn't noticed that ashi has already opened a box and was scooping the icecream in the spoon and eating it already, " Of course. You have to be right" she said with a smile. She had kissed him, he concluded.

"Make the hot chocolate" after hoping on the counter.

"And yes I'm forgiving you this time but no gaurantee for the next one," she warned him.

His betreyal of eating the icecream which was about to expire the next day, according to his wife he should've woken her up from sleep to finish the icecream ,which he so dearly wanted and not finish it himself. Well because she could fall sick...

" Aachhooo ", he heard her sneeze.

Looking at her stomach, he signed, " Few more months to go"

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