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hands tightly, as she bore down again, this time focusing on his voice whispering small encouragements in her ear. she cried out as her body stretched around the baby's head and gasped as the head slid out. she lent back against him, breathing coming out in pants. "Good job ashi, one more big push for the shoulders, then your baby will be here," the doctor said. With another push and whimper, the baby slipped into the doctor's hands. The room went silent, as she quickly  handed the baby over to the nurse beside her. her heart begun beating faster, her breathing coming out in panic gasps. "My baby," she whispered, finding it hard to breath. tanzeel who had been feeling scared all day, was starting to feel worst. He looked up and watched the nurse, gently rubbing the baby, when suddenly a loud cry filled the room. "It's a girl," she said, wrapping their baby in a pink blanket and handing her over to her. "Although she's early and small, she's breathing on her own and we'll check on her later," the nurse said. As she held the baby in her (ashi's) arms, she couldn't help but cry. tanzeel kissed her temple, his own tears falling down his cheeks, before gently running his finger along the baby's cheek. "Our baby girl," she whispered. "Hi angel," tanzeel said, voice raspy through his tears, "You scared us, but so happy you're here and alright.", oh my, she's here," she said looking up at tanzeel, tears falling now. "I know baby, and she's all ours," he said, kissing her softly, before placing a kiss on her small forehead.

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