Jihye Lee

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All of them are looking at me with a teasing eyes as we heard Dokja's footsteps.

"If anyone tell him what we just talk about! I'm going to strangle you!" I warned them.


"Yes, we understand." All of them nodded.

They ask me several questions on how did I fall for him.

Something like "WHEN? HOW? WHY?"

It was mostly Huiwon who interrogate me, but seeing them all looking forward to my answer. I gave them a 50/50.

I told them a lie, but I only covered on how did I fall for him. I mean, I can't tell them that I saw his illustration once and then boom! I'm a simp!

"Now let's go see him."

"Dokja!" Hyeonseong said.

"How was your pilgrimage? Did you go to a cathedral? Or a temple?" Huiwon ask.

But instead of answering her questions. "I have something to give you." He said.

He gave the robe to Huiwon and the praying beads to Sangah.

They talking about the great monk Samyeong. I was just listening to Dokja and internally laughing as he was lying about what he did to get the items. I would buy that crap if I didn't know what he truly did.

Hyeonseong and Sangah was thanking Samyeong. I thought I was quite enough, but I didn't know that all of them stop when they heard me scoff.

Before they could say anything I cough. It was as if I was trying to clear my throat. I look at them.

"What? Can't a woman cough?" I ask them.

Buy it!

"Don't look at me. C'mon let's go!" I exclaimed.

"Y/n, did you just scoff at Dokja?" Sangah ask.

"No, why would I do that?" I said.

"Yeah, why would she do that? Y/n wouldn't do that to Dokja!" Huiwon ask while looking at me with a teasing look.

"Yes! Ms. Y/n won't do such thing especially to Dokja!" Hyeonseong exclaimed while grinning.

Dokja looks at me asking if what's wrong with them.

I just shook my head.

"Let's get going. We can't let our guards down." I warned them.



I pull Gilyeong behind me as Dokja told us to stand back.


A strong wind past us that makes my eyes close. As soon as I opened my eyes. I was greeted with five persons.

They all look at me as if I did something grave.

"Why? Why did he chose you over me?!" A girl that is in her early 20's yelled at me.

"Mom died because of you! You shouldn't have lived!" A man exclaimed while pointing his finger at me.

What the heck is this?! Who are they?!

"You are a disgrace in our family!" An older man said.

They all keep saying things that I don't understand. They were glaring at me. I whipped around to try and see someone I know.

As I turned to my side I saw someone who is very familiar to me.


"You shouldn't get involved with me. I regret helping you." He said.

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