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     [Gone away]

     5:03. Minghao and Jun's plane was leaving at 9. I scrolled through youtube when I saw a suggested song. Seventeen's "Without You". I clicked on the song and started watching without headsets since the other three, Jun, Minghao and Liang Wei were out somewhere. Shancai would also be coming soon since her work was finished by now.


     I heard Jun's voice, so I slammed my laptop closed. I was listening to music, specifically Seventeen. But the music didn't shut off. Gosh, kill me already. I covered my laptop with a pillow and hit it several times, praying that the music would shut off. "Hey! Don't hit it! That's good music right there!" Jun yelled while running toward me. I slapped my head. "You could've just said that you were a fan." Jun teased me. He opened my laptop and found the video I was watching. "Left & Right" Sigh~

     Jun and Minghao kept yapping on about how flustered I must have been and how I hid it well and how their video was so cool. Such narcissists. Shancai finally came. "Shancaii!! Save me." I said while leaning on her shoulder. "Huh? What did you do this time?" Shancai replied while pushing me off. "Xiaohua is a fan of ours." Jun and Minghao said while posing. Shancai slapped her head.

     "So, Xiaohua, who's your bias?" Minghao asked while packing. Umm~ I decided not to say it was one of them to prevent conflict. "It's Jeonghan." I admitted. "Wow, Xiaohua. I feel offended." Jun said while patting his heart. "It's fine Junnie~ You're my bias." Liang Wei said flirtatiously. Shancai rolled her eyes. "Get a room." I giggled at her reaction. "We're in it together, Shancai."

     We found ourselves huddled on Liang Wei's bed, ready to watch a movie. I was sitting next to Jun and Shancai.

     From time to time, Jun would grab my arm out of fear. And my heart fluttered everytime he did it. I'm really taking yolo to another level. Choose one, Minghao or Jun? Stop acting as if you can like anyone you want, Xiaohua!


     8:07. The director came, all clear. We decided to sneak out and come with Jun and Minghao to the airport.

     Minghao and Jun checked themselves in. We all sat on the floor while eating some snacks. "Hey, we should make a group chat." Shancai suggested. "That's a good idea." Minghao agreed. We all shared our numbers and created a group chat. "I'll text you guys when we get on the plane." Jun added. I heard Shancai sniffle. "Are you really crying?" I teased her. Her sniffles bursted into sobs. "Aww, Shancai, don't cry. We'll be back soon." Minghao said while patting her back. Me and Liang Wei laughed at her. What a crybaby.

     8:43. Jun and Minghao were getting ready to go now. I saw Jun pull out something. "Here you go. Don't forget us." He gave me 6 sparkly bags. "What-" "They're gifts from us." Minghao added. "Oh! We got stuff for you too!" Shancai yelled while wiping her tears. I also scrambled to find the gifts I got, even though I already gave Jun something. "Junnie~ Text me as soon as you get on." Liang Wei grasped onto his arm. "Of course." Jun replied while scruffling her hair.

     "Oh right! Xiaohua!!" I turned around. "Mhm?" I replied, holding in tears. "You should apply as a makeup artist for Pledis. I'd love to see you there." Jun smiled. I looked at them in shock. "I don't think my parents would-" "Shua and Vernon's makeup arstist's contracts ends in December. You'll have some time to think about it. I can send you the link." A tear fell, which led to more tears falling. "Ah, let's have a group hug!" Minghao suggested. We all ran together and hugged. I'll miss them a lot.


     Liang Wei, Me, and Shancai sat in the dorm, kind of depressed looking. "Hey, let's open the presents. It'll bring up the mood." I said. We got up and checked the names on the bags. Liang Wei got the biggest bag. I guess that was from Jun. I could see that he really liked her a lot.

     Jun gave me, Xiaohua, a cute cat keychain. I put that on my backpack. Minghao got me a necklace. It had a music note pendant with diamonds embroidered on the rim. Wow.

     A notification then popped up on my phone.

     ;hi meiling!

It was from Jun. I quickly replied back.


;i left China today. i'll miss you~~

     ;haha. i'll miss you too. but where are you going?

;i'm going abroad. maybe for work. i'm not sure yet.

     ;i see

I then received another notification from the group chat. It was Minghao.

     ;i miss you guys already.

;same. I replied.

     I sighed and laid on my bed. I haven't slept at a normal time in a while. Probably because 2 members of my favorite group were here. In my dorm. It is possible that I could still be dreaming? There's so much going on that I can barely process anything.


another short chapter wooo~~~

i hate math :D gonna drop out /hj

i feel like this is going by really fast. hmmm....

also i heard if you press the vote button you get a free cookie~ 🍪 (pls vote)

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