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     I grabbed the makeup case that was provided and got ready to go. It was about a 15 minute drive to the stadium where they were performing.

     I sat in the van next to my deskmate, found out her name was Seonghee. "Waaa~~ I'm so excited for some reason.." she said while squealing next to me. "Hey, don't get too excited." I told her while rolling my eyes. She reminds me of Shancai. "You should be more excited than me!!" she replied, hitting me playfully. "This is gonna be a long ride." I sighed.

     "Sir~~~ Are we almost there..?" Seonghee whined. I lightly hit her, "It's only been 10 minutes!" I told her. She whined again and laid on my shoulder. I'm convinced that she's Shancai's long lost sister. They're exactly the same.

     We arrived at the place, Seventeen wasn't here yet. We set up all the supplies and waited for them to arrive.

     "KIM MINGYU." I heard Seungcheol yell from the hallway. "They're here~~" Seonghee squealed. They walked in while I peeked over to see Minghao. I may not be his makeup artist, but I still want to see him. "Hua!" Joshua yelled while walking near me. "Oh hii." I replied. "Let's eat something before we start," he suggested, "I haven't eaten anything since the morning." I nodded, walked with him to the small area that had some snacks.

     "Do you want some of these?" Joshua asked me while handing me some crackers. "Oh, yeah, thanks." I replied. We sat down on the couch while watching some sort of children's channel. "Should I change the show?" Joshua suggested. "Is this what you usually watch?" I questioned him. "I- It's cause' we don't have much time to change it either way-" I laughed at his response and told him to keep the show on. The interesting part was coming on anyway.

     We soon went back into the dressing room and I began doing his makeup. Wow, Xiaohua, it's your first day on the job. And, you've somehow found a way to work at the dream place.

     I was doing Joshua's contour when he leaned near me to say something. "Minghao keeps looking at you." Joshua whispered. I turned to Minghao and caught him. "He told us that you two were dating." I smiled at that. Is he being overprotective?

     I was almost finished, and added some finishing touches before standing up and stretching. "Ahh, my back is killing me." I complained. "Wooahh, Xiaohua, you're really good." Joshua said while looking into the mirror. He wrapped his arm around me. "SHUA HYUNG!" We heard a yell coming from Minghao. I looked over in his direction, seeing his furious look. I giggled a bit. Joshua quickly let go, afraid that Minghao would be mad. "I'm very sorry, sir." he apologized teasingly.

     "Okay, Jun, you're done." I overheard his makeup artist finish. He quickly ran up to me and held me tightly, my eyes widening in surprise. "HAHA MINGHAO! XIAOHUA IS MINEEE!" He teased Minghao, who hadn't finished his makeup yet. Others laughed a bit while looking at the furious Minghao. "Just you wait, hyung."

     "Good luck!" I yelled as they walked out. I watched as they all scattered onto the stage. "Wait!!" Minghao said while rushing back to me. He gave me a peck on the cheek. "Eh? What was that for?" I questioned, but he had already walked onto the stage. I touched my cheek and smiled. Ughhh, he's always making me blush. (but I kind of love it.)

     "Xiaohua! You never told me you were dating Minghao!" Seonghee shouted while playfully hitting me. "Hey! I didn't think it was that important~" I replied. We ate snacks while watching their performance from a monitor. Carats in the audience cheered their names. "Waa, I used to dream of sitting in those seats," Seonghee said while pointing at the front of the audience, "but I'm much happier now that I'm their makeup artist." she said proudly. I sighed in relief. Ma~ I'm doing it :)

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