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     I proudly walked into the building at around 5:30, shoulders back, head up high, and my outfit, flawless. "Woah, Xiaohua!" Someone came running up to me. I turned my head to the side as we walked insync. It was Joshua. "Hm?" I asked, even though I kind of knew why he was wowing at the look of me. (that's my inner confidence speaking.) 

     "You're bruise, the dark circles, your outfit, just- Everything!" He exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh a bit, causing my posture to become a bit sloppy. "Seonghee helped me out. 'Project Makeover.' That's what she calls it." Joshua laughed at that while we walked near the snack room.

     Could this be the first time that I actually enjoyed the attention? Maybe. But did I care? Of course not. As I walked in, Minghao glanced at me. He looked me up and down, hopefully in a good way. "Hi~" I smiled, grabbing a plate for food. Xiaohua is hungry. I want to eat. I drooled at the sight of waffles and quickly picked a few up. Jun wasn't here, and nor was that Minhee girl. The calming silence filled the room as I stuffed my face in waffles. My stomach is pleased. (and so am I.)

     I sat on the floor while playing a game on my phone. This game is really getting addicting now. I quickly tapped the buttons, in hopes of winning that level. "Darn it!" I yelled while tossing my phone onto the ground in anger. I heard Seungcheol yelp. Oops. "Hi, everyone!" It was her soothing voice again. Minhee's soothing voice. I stuck my eyes on the screen, trying my best not to look. I hate it here.

     I felt a horrifying stare upon me. God, don't tell me! I could hear their whispers from afar. I guess Minghao wasn't looking me up and down in a good way after all. I let out a disappointed sigh while walking toward the door. Let's get some work done, Xiaohua.


     "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I yelled while rushing to find a tissue. My latte spilled all over me and... Minhee. "I'm so sorry," I apologized. "God, this is designer!" She yelled in anger. A lump began to form in my throat. "Why don't you watch where you're going?!" She scolded me. I whispered another apology under my breath, even though I knew that nobody could hear. "Minhee, it was a mistake. Why don't you two go to the bathroom to get changed?" Joshua suggested, passing me a tissue. She whined, calling Minghao to help her out. Thank the lord for Joshua.

     "Listen here, you." She looked at me directly in the eyes, "You're a big threat to me as my Minghao's ex-girlfriend. You've been getting involved a lot. And your outfit? Are you trying to impress him?" I don't know if I should be scared or mad. "So wearing clothes now is considered trying to impress someone? Don't you wear high skirts everyday?" I replied confidently. God, I was so cool for that. She scoffed to herself, looking like she wanted a fight. "I don't think you know, but Minghao thinks you're butt-ugly. He just dated you to get over his last girlfriend." I don't know what's wrong with me, but those words hurt like a bitch. My face stared blankly at her as she flashed her perfect, long, hair in my face. "That's what I thought."

     "She's lying." I said.

"Don't believe her." I said.

     "She's just mad." I said.

     I splashed my face with water while repeating those three phrases. But the little voice kept bothering me. What if she's not lying? What if that is the real reason he dated me? Darn you, Minhee!

     As I walked through the hallway, her words began to hurt more and more every time I thought about it. "Minghao thinks you're butt-ugly." It was like an echo in my head. My lips began to quiver, ultimately leading into tears. "What is wrong with you, Xiaohua?" I yelled to myself. I'm so stupid sometimes. I hit myself repeatedly, silent sobs finally releasing after being held in.

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