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[A Sacrifice made in Heaven.]

As soon as the plane landed, Xiaohua bid her goodbyes with Shancai and ran as fast as she could to the hospital where Yan stayed.

Xiaohua stopped in front of the hospital doors, pressed the dreadful call icon.

"Xiaohua? Hi!"

His voice was like music to her ears. This would be the last time that she'd ever hear it.

"Hi, Jun." She tried to make her voice sound more enthusiastic, but it sounded more saddening than she thought.

"Is something wrong? I also had a gift for you. Maybe I can send it to you through post?"

Xiaohua sighed.

"Jun, I'm going to tell you the truth. Maybe you should keep it to yourself for a while."

Jun stayed silent, but Xiaohua could hear some voices in the background, and the rapid steps, probably from Jun.

"Okay, I'm alone now. You can tell me."

"I haven't been back to China in a while. About nine months, I think?"

"Oh, really? Your parents must miss you a lot, even Yan."

The name crushed Xiaohua. She inhaled sharply, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Yan is in the hospital."

She heard Jun make a "oh" sound.

"Because of the accident a few months ago."

Jun scoffed. "That was because of Liang Wei too! Send him my condolences."

"I don't think I can do that." She mumbled.

The phone call reconnected for a second there.

"Why not?" His speech was cutting out.

A tear finally fell from her eyes. She sat against the big glass window, thinking about what to say.

"I won't be there to tell him."

She could hear Jun's mic fuzz a bit, she presumed that he was switching positions.

"What do you mean by that?"

She sniffled. "Jun, I'm going to save Yan."

On the other side of the phone, Jun's eyes widened. "Xiaohua, you don't mean-"

"I'm going to give him my heart. It's the least I can do, since I was the cause of his injury."

It was silent for a while, until Xiaohua ended the call. She wiped her tears away, reminding herself that what she was doing was deserved. She needed to do this. She deserved it.

She sped rapidly to the desk, and then asked the woman where Yan's room was.

"I'm sorry, but we have no one by the name of 'Yan' checked in. Maybe you've got the wrong hospital?"

She panicked, calling her mother to ask where they were.

"Xiao- Xiaohua?" Her mothers voice was breaking.

"Ma, where's Yan? I told you that I was going to do it."

She heard the silent sobs of her mother from the other side of the phone.

"You- You're too late..."

Xiaohua's heart began beating faster and faster, loud enough for her to hear it loud and clear.

"Ma, what do you mean?"

She ran her fingers through her hair, frustrated.

"Well, what did you expect, Xiaohua?" Her mother sniffled in between each word. "You left without a trace, went missing for like, a year, and now you come back to save your dead brother?"

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