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(about two and a half weeks later...)

Everyone was at her house, waiting for the video to finally release. Some sitting on the couch, some in the kitchen making snacks. And then there was Xiaohua and Jun, flirting in her room before they walked out to join the others. Jun gave her a peck on the forehead before they exited the room. How sweet. She thought.

"Xiaohua, sit over here!" Liang Wei yelled, tapping the floor space next to her. Xiaohua willingly sat down, making jokes with a few of them. Jun sat next to her, laughing along with the others.

"I have popcorn!" Seungkwan shouted from the kitchen. A few of them raced to Seungkwan, wanting to get the popcorn first.

"Jun, get me some!"

"Already on it!"


"EVERYONE, THE VIDEO RELEASES IN FIVE MINUTES!" Hoshi yelled into the kitchen, which made us laugh a bit. I surrounded myself with a blanket, extremely ecstatic to see their performance. They've been working so hard nowadays.

Minghao and I still aren't on talking terms. Besides the usual "hi" or "can you pass me the..." we haven't really said anything else. But I've been planning to apologize to him, even though I still haven't had the time to. Either I was being a chicken, or Jun told me not to, or he just completely ignored me when I tried to talk to him.

"Are you cold, Hua?" Jun asked me, giving a worried expression. Why is my heart fluttering again? Is it because he's showing affection? Isn't that what all couples do?

I nodded at him since the apartment complex never really had proper heating. He ran toward my room without another word, returning with some more blankets. "I already have one!" I shouted, reassuring him that I was fine. Jun shook his head, basically suffocating me with the blankets. (kinda just felt like a hug though.)

"Hey clingy man, why don't you give those precious blankets to people who actually need them?" Liang Wei teased while pulling some blankets off. "Hey, hey! Those are for Xiaohua!" He yelled back while trying to put them back on. I let out a chuckle while giving one to Liang Wei. Jun sulked, avoiding eye contact with me. How cute.

The music countdown began. Hoshi called the others who rushed to the couch to see their video for the first time. I'm so excited.

The familiar dance somehow felt different. Probably because of the new setting and outfits, and the fact that Liang Wei was starring in this music video. But as much as I was happy that their practicing paid off, it also brought back terrible flashbacks from that day.


I walked into the dressing room, the members already there. And the guy I've been dreading to see the most, Minghao. He sat on the chair, impatiently tapping his foot. I guess he wanted me to hurry up and get started. The faster we begin, the faster we can get it done.

I could sense something since he kept opening his mouth and then closing it again. Possibly trying to tell me something? Maybe.

Jun was chewing on some crackers, watching us from afar. He looked somewhat annoyed? Not like I wanted anything to do with Minghao anyway. His makeup artist still hadn't arrived, leaving him to wait.

All I did was move his hair a bit, in which Jun began walking near us. Please don't tell me I did something wrong again...

"I'm gonna take a walk around the building for a bit, okay?" Jun smiled before pecking me on the cheek and walking toward the exit. I nodded, but he probably didn't see it. Phew. I got scared for a second there.

"So you are dating him." Minghao said, bringing me out of whatever trance I was in. I bounced my head slowly, giving an awkward smile. "That was fast." I suddenly wanted to say things, like how he dated Minhee, not even a week after we broke up! And even if he did just date her to get over me, he has no idea how much impact it created for me. He has no idea.

I think he scoffed, looking down to his lap again. That was the last that I've heard of him. The last words before our awkwardness now.


Without noticing, the music video was already done in a flash. "So, how'd you guys like it?" Woozi said in a proud manner. "It was amazing!" Liang Wei jumped out of her spot squealing. Right, I forgot to mention that me and Liang Wei are officially friends again, even if she's still ignoring the fact that we had that fight. But me being me, a chicken, can't muster up enough courage to talk to her about it.

7:30. We were all gathered up on the floor, ready to eat. Joshua and Mingyu made us some food, quite expected from those two. I sat between Wonwoo and Liang Wei, right on the edge of the table.

"Tomorrow, we're going to Mnet for our comeback stage." Seungcheol spoke while stuffing his face in meat. "Oh, right! But tomorrow is when me and Minghao's music video releases.." Liang Wei said, defeated. I patted her back. Poor thing.

"You mean, my music video, right?" Minghao blurted out of nowhere. It caused an uncomfortable silence in the room. "Well, haha, you both are in it, right?" I spoke, trying to eliminate the awkwardness. Jun looked at me, signaling that it was not the time. I'm stupid.

After a few minutes of just occasionally taking bites out of our meals and then exchanging looks, someone finally stood up. Liang Wei. "I actually have to go right now, see you all!" She yelled, sounding sort of saddened. I wouldn't blame her though. She probably felt really special being the female lead in his music video, only to be crushed by his cruel words. Darn you, Xu Minghao!!!

One by one, everyone had left except for Jun. I sulked on the couch, still upset about the situation earlier.

"It's best if we just let him get his anger out. He'll have to talk to us eventually." Jun advised. He sat down next to me, playing a game on his phone.

"I just wish that we could all make up, and somehow be the friends that we used to be. Like when we first met." Jun faced me, something signaling that he disagreed. Maybe something in his eyes? Or the way he maintained a stare for about 10 seconds before looking back to his phone. "I don't think that's possible, love."

I let out a sigh before unlocking my phone and joining him. "Hey, you can't do that!" Jun yelled while quickly tapping buttons on his phone. I laughed at him, cheering that I had won. He leaned back on the couch, crossing his arms. "My Xiaohua is too good." He stuck out his lower lip, making me go soft. "Aww, my Junnie lost again?"

I patted his head, challenging him to play another round. I kept losing and then winning again, cheering and then sighing in defeat. Although Jun said that it wouldn't be possible to bring back those days in the dorms, playing with him made those little memories come back to me. Almost as if I was reliving it again, but this time, with Jun.



longer chapters now since i need to squish everything into pt.4 

me and my procrastination smh

this part is going to be heeectiicccc

slay ig?

also i heard if you press the vote button you get a free ice cube 🧊 (had to change it to ice cubes due to budget cuts, pls still vote tho ;_;)

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