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["Not even a goodbye?"]

She woke up to the morning sun shining on her face, and the familiar feeling of someone hugging her from behind.

There was a nice warmth that filled the air, and the wind blowing against her face. Wait, wind against her face?

She suddenly sat up, scanning the area. Oh. My. God. Did we just do the dirty out on this open rooftop? And then sleep here too?

Xiaohua slapped her forehead, searching for her shirt. "Hua~" Jun called out, still half asleep. "Yes, Jun-ah?" She reached out for her phone, checking the time.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S 5:03!" Xiaohua jumped out of her spot, waking up Jun in the process.

Jun rubbed his eyes in tiredness. "What's so bad about it being 5? For anything, we could still go to sleep for a few more hours." He scratched the back of his head innocently.

Xiaohua paced through the rooftop, quickly grabbing her things. "Our flight is at seven, and I still need to do some more packing at the house!"

The sun seemed to shine a bit less for a second there. The thought of it struck Jun like lightning. He forgot about his ultimate motive here, which was to try and convince Xiaohua to stay for a little longer. But now, it was too late.

He stood up weakly, slipping on his cotton t-shirt. "I forgot you had to leave today."

Xiaohua cupped his face with her hand. "Don't be too sad without me. I'll give you a call."

She set a kiss on his forehead, and then quickly opened the door which led to the dorms.

She was hoping for him to be her last call before she finished the deed.


Shancai's eyes widened at the sight of Xiaohua. "You! Where have you been?!" Shancai yelled.

Xiaohua opened her mouth, but was then interrupted. "Actually, don't even answer me. That'll only waste more time."

Shancai lifted her hand up, grabbing Xiaohua's hand and crashing out the door.


Shancai stuck her head through the door. "BYE GUYS, WE'LL MISS YOU!"

And with that, she dragged Xiaohua into the hallway, impatiently pressing the button.

"Where were you, huh? I was looking for you for like, an hour!" Shancai tsked at Xiaohua, the elevator door opening.

Xiaohua followed behind Shancai as they stepped into the elevator. "Well, I was-"

She looked behind herself. Maybe if she thought hard enough, then Jun would magically appear, just like in those books.

Maybe she'll be able to say bye to him for the last time, or thank him for last night.

But he never did.

"Xiaohua? Are you gonna get in or what?"

She slowly stepped in. He still had a few seconds to catch her.

But she watched as the gap between the elevator door and the frame became thinner and thinner by the second.

He didn't come back to see her. He didn't even bother. He didn't-

"Are you gonna tell me where you were earlier?" Shancai asked her in a somewhat annoyed tone.

"I slept-" Xiaohua stopped her sentence, knowing Shancai's reaction beforehand. She'd probably freak out if Xiaohua told her the truth.

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