Chapter 3

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"Looks like Yuki is going to win," Grace said feeling proud of her younger brother "I wouldn't bet on that," a boy with purple hair who stood off to the side said "what?" his teammates looked at him "from where I'm standing it looks like that woman already has the win in her bag" he nodded toward the bluenette who swiftly dodged another of Yuki's ice shard "do you not trust your own teammate?" Lance asked sure he knew that Tsukihi had gotten better at controlling her fire magic but not to the point of beating an S-class like Yuki but then again she had 7 years on all of them.

"Ice-Make Unlimited: One Sided Chaotic Dance" Yuki puts both hands behind his back, right on top of the left, in the usual Ice-Make stance, as ice begins to emit from their palm "oh what training have you been doing?" Tsukihi asked something that aggravated the male.

With remarkable shaping speed, a vast amount of swords are created, all made of ice in various shapes and sizes. These weapons are connected by a large chain of ice that spirals around the user several times with the blades pointing outwards.

Tsukihi rolled her eyes as the ice mage then swings one arm forward and one backwards, sending the large chain of weapons towards the target, freezing the area around her.

"You were saying, Fang?" Simon looked back at the blonde who'd become his best friend "fire melts ice" Fang smirked as he saw the ice melt into a puddle of water "I would've done my homework if I were you" Tsukihi said as she grinned "but I've gotta thank you for helping me" she manipulated the water properties around her the sound of running water was heard before the bluenette made a heart with her hands "wings of love!".

"That girl's dangerous" a shiver ran up the fairy tail teams spine "unbelievable Summer Lockser scores a win for mermaid heel" the girl named Summer grinned "you're not too bad of an opponent for someone who has a lot of overconfidence" Summer tur...

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"That girl's dangerous" a shiver ran up the fairy tail teams spine "unbelievable Summer Lockser scores a win for mermaid heel" the girl named Summer grinned "you're not too bad of an opponent for someone who has a lot of overconfidence" Summer turned to the ravenette "but as I said before I've got seven years on you so I wouldn't overstep my boundaries" she reminded him off their run in yesterday "piece of advice fix yourself" with that she turned around walking back towards her team "hey I wasn't ready!" the ice mage said "yeah that's what they all say loser" she waved him off.

The seven laughed as they walked back towards a bar "man that last battle was epic" Hoshihiko said "yeah you completely wiped the floor with that guy Tsuki" Keith said as the bluenette giggled "it sucks that we're not all on the same team" Hikari pouted "and who's fault is that?" Emerald had a smile of amusement on her face.

Juvia looked back when the door to the bar opened with all seven of the kids walking in "I still say it would've been better if we were a team" Hoshihiko said as the group made their way towards them "I'll say we work better together" Tsukihi added "hey mom" Alan greeted the bluenette with short hair "still having a hard time without each other I see" Minerva sipped her cocktail "unfortunately you have to be split into two teams" Kagura said as the seven took a seat "it's a shame we would've won in no time" Milliana added "well they do work extremely well together" Erza said.

Unbeknownst to them a certain pink haired fire dragon slayer looked over at the group "something is fishy" Natsu narrowed his eyes at the group before he caught his daughters eyes as she raised a brow at him before she looked away just as quickly.

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