Chapter 12

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True to Gajeel's words the four boys had faced the wrath of the six mothers "how could you not have noticed her panicking?!" Minerva placed her hands on her hips "more importantly why would you get into a fight?" Erza glared at six her arms crossed across her chest silence fell over the group when suddenly a slurping sound was heard "yeah I can't say you didn't have it coming, dad" Alan stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth "honestly it would've been better for us to leave them in the care of sabertooth" Levy huffed.

A few days later the 8 were at mermaid heel lazing around since the guild was almost empty it was the beginning of the month so most members were on missions "man where is everybody?" Simon asked, tired of staring up at the ceiling "job request" Emerald answered her twin while mindlessly flipping through a magazine.

Noah was sleeping with his head buried in his arms on the table.

Hikari scrolled through her phone while her twin cleaned his spirit keys next to her.

Alan indulged in a mindless game of cards with Keith who glanced every few minutes at Tsukihi who played with the water drops gathered outside her glass of ice tea mindlessly turning the small stream into fire and back into the liquid.

It was silent after that as Simon decided to join his companion in dreamland before all of their attention turned to the doors even a sleepy Noah woke up by someone kicking the guild doors to mermaid heel open "who's come in now?" Levy poked her head out of the kitchen behind the bar followed by the other mothers all of them pleasantly surprised by who stood at the door.

Grace Fullbuster in all her glory stood in the middle of the open doors in what appeared to be the skimpiest outfit Kagura, Milliana, Resley and Yuri came up behind her before joining the others in jaw-dropping "uh... Grace? that you?" Hoshihiko dropped his keys after Sting came out of shell shock asked but the ravenette ignored him her eyes on Simon who seemed to be surprised, to say the least.

Tsukihi furrowed her brows in confusion wandering why the girl was wearing something which clearly she wasn't comfortable wearing turning her head Tsukihi met Emerald and Hikari's eyes before they heard Hoshihiko's guffaws of laughter "oh my god she looks so-!" the boy tried to get out between his laughter "shut up...!" Noah hissed at his best friend while his twin kicked him to shut her brother up stealing glances at Simon who was still shell-shocked "excuse me" Grace said before running away in embarrassment tears sprung to her eyes.

"You're an asshole you know that?" Tsukihi turned her attention to Hoshihiko and Simon "both of you" she added before getting up and walking out of the guild to most likely look for the ravenette "ow!" Hoshihiko cried when his twin hit him upside the head "would it kill you to stop being such a jerk!" Hikari decided to reprimand her brother for his actions since Tsukihi had gone to find the younger girl and Emerald was looking at her twin brother in disappointment.

"So how does it feel being called an asshole by your crush?" Yuri took a seat next to the redhead who groaned "terrible" Simon replied not liking the disappointed look the others gave him.

Grace sobbed as her mascara was ruined and the makeup she'd begged Luna to do for her.

Tsukihi stopped in front of the ravenette holding out her hooded cardigan to Grace who looked up at her sniffling "you might want to cover up since a lot of creeps are staring" surprised Grace took the offered beige cardigan from the girl Tsukihi Dragneel was the last person she'd expected to care what happened to Grace "thanks" she sniffled putting her arms through the sleeve "so you wanna talk about it?" Tsukihi took a seat beside her placing her warm hands on the girl's shaky ones.

Grace took her time to calm herself down before talking to the girl about her unrequited love "I just thought maybe if I dressed more like you he would-" Grace stopped realizing how offended Tsukihi must feel "I'm sorry... but you're just so beautiful, kind and confident no wonder he likes you so much" she looked up to the girl who blinked her eyes before chuckling "I'm flattered you think so highly of me but I'm the last person someone would want to date" the ice mage tilted her head in confusion "I'm a lot more complicated then I seem or so I've been told" never in her life would Grace imagine herself having a heart to heart with the woman she once hated "Simon only loves me because we're childhood friends and just hasn't gotten the chance to move on".

"Dude, did you see that girl on the bench?" a group of boys walked by pointing at the two Tsukihi glared at the group Grace looked down in shame tugging on the cardigan a bit "hey! don't you have any respect for a woman?!" Tsukihi hit the boy upside the head "what the hell?! that hurt!" the boy yelled, "what did you say about her?!" Grace looked up at the fire dragon slayer in surprise no one's ever really defended her but here was Tsukihi Dragneel looking about ready to fight the group "look lady just mind your own business what I or my friends say doesn't concern you" Tsukihi narrowed her eyes "I could say the same to you buddy" she crossed her arms "are you here for a walk or to pass a comment on random girls you dumbass?" one of them sighed "so much for a peaceful time look lady we're not here to fight you" the boy stepped up "then shut your damn trap-" "what are you gonna do if we don't?!" one of the braver one's stepped up earning a punch square to the face "leave before I beat you up with your own shoes!" the boys scurried off not wanting to be on the receiving end of the girl's wrath.

The older woman's eyes softened "Grace you really don't need to change yourself for someone else" Tsukihi finally said, "because this..." she gestured to the girl's attire self-consciously Grace pulled the cardigan to cover herself "this isn't Grace Fullbuster you're fine just the way you are" Tsukihi offered her a smile certain care and warmth radiating from the older woman.

After Grace got home she thought about everything from Tsukihi comforting her something which still surprised her I mean the two girls weren't on the friendliest terms but then again neither of them really tried to do something about that.

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