Chapter 11

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Hoshihiko and Hikari walked back into the guild before they looked over when they heard the two girls scream only to see one of them on the ground covering their ears a look of terror in her eyes.

Alan got up from his table and walked over to the water mage who seemed so frightened of the table on fire courtesy of the girl's father Natsu Dragneel. None of the guild members noticed Tsukihi having a panic attack Emerald was trying her best to her calm down.

"Tsuki let's go for a walk" before Alan could grab his best friend's hand to drag her out Yuri extended his hand to the girl both girls and Alan looked up at him "ok" what surprised Alan more is how easily Yuri Dreyar managed to get Tsukihi to grab his hand whereas Alan Redfox was always left with the option of either dragging his best friend out or throwing her over his shoulder.

"Here they ran out of your favourite ones" Alan handed Tsukihi a bottle of Ovi hydration the berry flavoured one the same one as his "here's your peach" Yuri gladly took the bottle his eyes scanning over the label.

Alan sat down on the bench beside Tsukihi unscrewing the lid all three of them took a sip of the drink "thanks Al you always know what to do?" Tsukihi turned to the dark blue-haired boy "anything for ya Tsuk" the iron dragon slayer patted the girl...

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Alan sat down on the bench beside Tsukihi unscrewing the lid all three of them took a sip of the drink "thanks Al you always know what to do?" Tsukihi turned to the dark blue-haired boy "anything for ya Tsuk" the iron dragon slayer patted the girl's head "I should thank you too, Yuri" the water mage kicked the lightning dragon slayer gently "I should say you're welcome too Tsuki" Yuri kicked her back "Tsuki? when did you get the privilege of calling her that?" Alan raised a brow "it's better than constantly being called woman" Alan rolled his eyes "like father like son..." both mages sighed out.

Alan Redfox took a deep breath in of the fresh air leaning back on the bench "this is so refreshing" he looked up at the sunny sky "yeah you only needed an excuse to get out of the guild" Tsukihi said, "the outside beats that small cramped table at the back any day" he snorted out being honest with his best friend he hated sitting in places like that with a passion and it didn't help that he'd developed claustrophobia from the incident 17 years ago "you're claustrophobic?" Yuri raised a brow "hey! just because rain girl is interested in you doesn't mean I cut you some slack" his best friend who'd been looking at the kids playing in the park ahead snapped her head to him "hah?! who said I was interested in this ridiculously tall grump" she pointed at him as Alan chuckled at the girl's flustered state.

Meanwhile at the guild 

"Oh no! I've lost Tsukihi!" Natsu screamed with his hands on his cheeks "how can you lose a whole human being?" Laxus raised a brow "relax I'm sure she's-wait where's my son?" Gajeel asked finally noticing the absence of his son "oh no! Alan's run away with my precious little girl" Natsu said earning a weird look from his teammates and thunder legion "I knew he was interested in her" Laxus rolled his eyes "I thought Simon was interested in Tsukihi" Freed raised a brow "hey! sparky's son is also missing right now if anything he'd be the one most likely to run away with rain girl" Gajeel pointed out "man shrimp is going to be so mad" he added "let's calm down you two I'm sure they're around here somewhere" Pantherlily calmed the two down.

"Al, you want to go see a movie?" Tsukihi turned to the iron dragon slayer on her right as the three continued walking back home "there's a cinema hall here?" Yuri asked "no we're watching it on the tv" Tsukihi answered "as long as you two don't make out in there I'm down" Alan shrugged his shoulders "seriously how far are you in to your belief that we're dating?" Yuri stuffed his hands in his pocket "it won't be long until you will be dating though" Tsukihi slapped her best friend's arm "shut up".

Laxus grumbled as he followed the four fathers they'd left Gray and the others to babysit the kids so far no luck finding the three and with the fire and iron dragon slayer arguing Laxus Dreyar was all but fed up with them "shut the fuck up both of you!" the lightning dragon slayer yelled successfully shutting the two up "there!" Bickslow pointed at the three sitting on a bench before they all rushed towards the bench.

Alan was glad that Tsukihi hadn't dragged him to a restaurant or cafè in her search of food instead came home with the excuse of watching a movie because she knew how much Alan hated it when she dragged him to those places since those places were always cramped something her best friend hated so she just dragged both boys home instead.

"Hmm if I were those three where would I go?" Jellal stroked his chin "bakery!" all four said before they dragged Laxus toward the direction of the place.

In the end, they found the three finally at the bakery/cafè the six girl's owned watching a movie with the other kids when they got home none of them knew "whew that took us a while" Natsu wiped the sweat off his forehead "yeah good thing" Gajeel plopped down on the floor the others following suit with a shrug.

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