Chapter 17

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The seven who went to search the surrounding area for Yuri returned to find an empty house "darn that guy" Angel cursed Eric while Zeref stared at the spot he'd placed a scarf neatly folded which seemed to be missing "the scarfs missing" Zeref voiced "forget about the scarf the kids are missing" Jellal said "they'll be fine Eric's with them if anything he'll keep them safe" Sawyer said.

Yuri stared at the star, moon, and lotus charm bracelet more specifically one that he knew Tsukihi Dragneel wore, and just like her scarf she never parted from it other than when she needed to shower both objects were a gift from her parents staring at the few crescent moon charms dangling at the beginning and end of the diamond stars one hanging off the end of the crystal flower "I wonder what's so special about this bracelet?" Yuri wondered aloud before deciding to go to sleep.

The four decided to take shelter in a dark cave since they didn't have camping or anything to protect them from the cold night "stop staring at that scarf and go to sleep kid" Tsukihi tore her away from the scarf Natsu had given to the poison dragon slayer lying a few feet away from her "good night" she said closing her eyes snuggling up to the scarf feeling a sense of warmth.

Kagura looked up as the celestial mage barged into the guild with the light dragon slayer following behind her "Kagura!" just seeing the usually sweet Yukino Eucliffe storming into the guild with a fire of determination in her eyes "these kids..." Kagura shook her head "I'll go contact Lamia scale and blue pegasus" Milliana offered while letting the others get as much information as they could "I hardly think there's a need for that Milliana but we do have to search for those kids" Erza said stopping the girl in her tracks ", especially with a furious Juvia marching over to that beach" Lisanna added "well that's a bit unsettling I pray for whoever comes in their way if Minerva and Levy are any near her" Leslie said.

"Oh hey, guys" Ultear offered the water mage a smile who glared at her "lovely to see you" Natsu waved at the group while Gajeel and Rogue gave the dragon slayer a weird look the latter grabbing his hand and pulling it down "yes very lovely to see you" Minerva offered a sickeningly sweet smile.

Levy looked around the place while the other two questioned the group "they've definitely been here" Levy said noticing a bowl full of a paste "we kind of picked up on that shrimp" Gajeel said, "but there's a strange scent mixed with theirs" Natsu scratched his head "yeah but where's Zeref I thought-" Rogue paused looking around before his wife let out a sigh of exasperation "tell me those three didn't go off on their own" Minerva pinched the bridge of her nose "for once I'd like these kids to stop being such a hassle" Juvia and Levy shared a look "you're one to talk Minerva" Juvia teased "you can barely sit in one place" Levy added.

Jellal stopped in his tracks in front of a clearing "why'd you stop?" Grace asked stopping behind the heavenly body mage "the lacrima says to stop right here" Zeref raised a brow while the other kids looked around "but I don't see any of those four" Kieth said "that's because they're over there" Noah pointed over at a small house "dad!" Simon waved at them.

Gajeel dug a hand in his pocket for his phone pulling it out to find his son's name flashing across the screen "hey" Gajeel answered, "hey... uh dad..." Alan paused before looking over the unconscious female "is something wrong? are you hurt Alan?" Gajeel asked sensing his son's hesitance before Juvia snatched the phone out of his hand "um... there's a problem... but I'm fine so are the others but... uh... Tsuk-she's..." the ravenette scratched his cheek "we're somewhere in the forest near a clearing and Tsuk I don't know what happened but she's come down with a fever and-and" Juvia took a deep breathe in "where in the forest?" the two mothers didn't even flinch at the water mages serious tone while the others shivered "aunt Juvia I-I'll send it right now" Juvia nodded before meeting the territory mages eyes nodding that they were all fine.

Alan met Noah's eyes from across the room before mouthing to him 'aunt Juvia' the shadow slayer walked over taking the phone from Alan knowing how scary the water mage can be "aunt Juvia" he said "I want all of you to get back" there was a firmness to her tone telling him that Juvia Lockser was in no mood to hear his protests and all of them were in for an earful "yes just let me-" "Noah Cheney you get back to the guild with the others right now!" ok that wasn't a good sign Noah internally flinched at the tone "yes aunt Juvia" he sighed ending the call "guys let's go aunt Juvia wants us back" Alan took his phone while the others opened their mouth to protest "she's mad trust me he tried" Alan said which shut the group up "so... uh.. are you-?" Noah just motioned the others towards him as they all scurried towards the boy not wanting to face the wrath of Juvia Lockser "well goodbye kids" Zeref waved them off as they disappeared.

"Why did we get stuck with the scary ones....?" Natsu whispered to Gajeel not taking his eyes off Juvia who stood beside Levy "I'm just glad Titania's not the one standing at the door" Gajeel said Levy looked at the magic map "otherwise it would've been like all hell broke loose with the combination of these two and Erza" Rogue added watching as Minerva tapped away at her phone "alright I've sent Erza a text to give her heads up about the kids" Minerva put her phone away "ok and we should be at the cabin soon if Ultears map is right" Juvia said "hopefully Tsukihi's fine" Levy added praying for the girl's well being.

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