Chapter 15

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Tsukihi turned back when she heard a familiar voice calling her "keep your eyes peeled we cannot miss any seashell Tsukihi" Emerald said she'd dragged the fire dragon into helping her collect seashells and if they were lucky crystals "oh Yuri" the fire dragon slayer waved at the lightning dragon to catch his attention.

Yuri smiled seeing the girl in her beloved yellow bikini waving at him with that bright toothy smile before holding up his hands to show her what he'd got for her.

The girl's eyes sparkled at the sight of her beloved food before his smile faded when his eyes fell on a small black creature with a pointy tail and red eyes near the girl's ankle grinning at the lightning dragon slayer.

The two bottles of ramune soda and the plastic bag fell to the sand "Tsukihi!" he bolted towards the oblivious girl who jogged towards him he just had to get her away from whatever that thing was but unfortunately, he was too late.

Yuri's eyes widened as he watched in horror as the small black creature attached itself to the fire dragon slayer's ankle resulting in Tsukihi falling as if she tripped on something before Yuri could get to her a dark shikigami engulfed her with his grandfather Ivan emerging from it.

Ivan smirked at his grandson who looked anything but happy to see him "Yuri my boy how are you?" Ivan Dreyar asked as if he hadn't caused any harm to his grandson in the past Tsukihi coughed attempting but failing to push herself up.

Both males' eyes turned to the girl who seemed like she was struggling why is it suddenly so hard to get up Tsukihi questioned herself "Tsuki" Yuri kneeled down to the girl's height "what's wrong is it your magic?" the fire dragon slayer manages to sit herself up using Yuri body to support her weight "no it's not that-" another round of violent coughs wracks the bluenette's body before her already blurry vision turns dark as her eyelids fall shut the girl's body falling limp against the lightning dragon slayer.

Yuri's eyes snap to his grandfather "what did you do to her?" Yuri asked his arms protectively wrapped around the bluenette "I see the poison is taking its effect" the blonde felt like punching that shit-eating smirk off his face "poison? what?" the lightning dragon slayer turned to the unconscious fire dragon slayer "hey Tsuki wake up!" cradling her head Yuri turned her face towards his patting her cheek "open your eyes woman!" no matter how much Yuri urged Tsukihi to open her eyes she didn't open her eyes.

Emerald Fernades, on the other hand, was still collecting seashells not aware of the absence of her companion "oh Emerald" the bluenette looked up noticing Angel and her teammates with her dad "oh hey dad what are you doing here?" Emerald asked still oblivious to the disappearance of Tsukihi Dragneel "relaxing" was midnights answer before the girls eyes fell on the crystal beside the poison dragon slayer Eric "Tsukihi I have found-Tsukihi?" Emerald turned around finally noticing the absence of the female.

"Huh I smell poison" Eric said after Emerald dashed to find her companion Jellal following with the others in tow as he was concerned about his daughter however stopped short witnessing the scene in front of them "Yuri?" Meredy raised a brow at the boy who seemed to be caught in a glaring contest with raven tail's guild master.

The group ran away the water mage on Yuri's back none of them wanted to engage in a fight right now with anyone because the most important thing was saving Tsukihi Dragneel since only god knows how upset Natsu would be if he found out about it Juvia on the other hand would cry a river and Erza would probably beat them all for not prioritising the girl's life.

Angel patted the girl "she's becoming cold" the celestial mage whispered before turning to look back at Maguilty mage sharing a concerned gaze with her Meredy and the former oracion seis members had known the girl since she said her first word Tsukihi was someone who they'd learned to cherish with her temporary airheaded too "what do we do? she needs to be warmed up" Meredy said "whatever Ivan did it's spreading" Jack buchnan said taking note of the girl's shivering form despite it being a pretty warm day "Hang in there Tsuki" Yuri said to the shivering girl while Emerald tried adjusting Yuri's jacket on her form "if we don't get help fast you're girlfriend is as good dead" Sawyer said "she's not my girlfriend geez" Yuri denied earning an eyebrow raise from the others "let's talk about your strange relationship with Tsukihi right now we-" "everyone quiet down" Erik suddenly stood guard.

Everyone keeping their guard up making a circle around the unconscious fire dragon slayer Angel silently indicating hoteye to use his heaven's eye while Midnight stood ready to use his dark rondo and the looking up about ready to jump whoever their enemy is everyone keeping an eye out for the danger "stay behind me Em..." Jellal Fernandes was ready to protect the three kids with his life "he's getting close..." Erik informed hoteye signing exactly the proximity of the person.

The bushes rustled Crime Sorciere preparing to attack while the two young adults held the fire dragon slayer for dear life whereas one looked about ready to shock someone.

"Zeref" they all breathed a sigh of relieve as Zeref appeared in their sights "is that my niece?" Zeref pointed to the semi-conscious girl oh shit this is probably worse if Natsu Dragneel would be upset knowing the state of his beloved little girl then the boys older brother would be furious and could do worse to whoever harmed his niece.

That's how the group found themselves at the infamous wizards house explaining what happened "how dare that-" a string of curses followed as Zeref Dragneel cussed out Ivan Dreyar for harming his niece after Zeref's cussing session he finally looked over the girl trying to decipher what to do.

"Hey where's Tsukihi?" Alan asked looking around for the girl who hadn't shown up at all "sea shell hunting with Emerald most likely also dragged Yuri into it" Hikari replied before her attention was caught by Noah walking towards them "what's wrong?" Hoshihiko raised a brow at his best friend who scratched his head "I can't seem to find neither Tsukihi, Yuri or Emerald" Noah said baffled as where the three could've gone "and I found these discarded in the sand" he held up the plastic bag with the two ramune soda's "alright team we need to search" Keith said stepping up after his initial confusion wore off "yeah they could be in danger" Grace added visibly concerned for the three.

Natsu on the other hand paced back an forth in the living room glancing at the door of sabertooth occasionally a few hours prior Noah had called his dad to ask if Tsukihi, Yuri or Emerald were there but when Rogue asked why he nervously told him it was nothing which the shadow dragon slayer found suspicious so they called the other 11 "we need to find those 7" Juvia said "and also find out what happened if Simon with them" Erza added "which he mostly likely is" Gajeel said those 8 were never without each other now a days.

Tsukihi coughed sitting up on the bed "uncle Zeref!" the girl said "Yuri... Yuri's in danger! Ivan! Ivan Dreyar wants to use him to-" "Tsukihi calm down" Zeref cut the frantic girl off "he's fine Yuri's gone to collect something for Zeref" Jellal answered "no he's in danger we have to save him!" Tsukihi shook her head "please uncle Zeref we have to help him" she looked up at her uncle with pleading eyes grabbing hold of his hand "Tsuki-" "dad!" before Meredy could say anything the door burst open with a painting Simon standing there "Ivan... he's got him!" Simon announced.

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