Chapter 16

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Footsteps could be heard in the distance alerting him that he wasn't close but not far either.

Yuri had only stepped out to collect something for Zeref when his grandfather appeared if that monster could be called that anymore so Yuri made the stupidest decision to run with Simon it's probably been a couple of minutes or possibly hours after they'd split up.

"What?" it was Tsukihi who broke the silence after Simon dropped that bombshell "what do you mean Ivan's got him?!" everyone looked at the fire dragon slayer in surprise "start talking" Simon squirmed under the girl's intense gaze "Tsukihi I think-" "I said to start talking!" the other's flinched at the girl's sudden shout "w-well I found him collecting something then-" "oh then what when Ivan came he had the bright idea to split and you listened to that idiot?" Tsukihi rolled her eyes crossing her arms telling Simon that she wasn't impressed "well it seemed like a good idea" Simon had never seen the fire dragon slayer so mad before "since when has splitting up ever been a good idea?! I'm not surprised Yuri suggested such a stupid idea but what happened to you?! I thought you were the smart one out of the two of you".

"Ah! I can't take waiting anymore!" Natsu rubbed his head in aggravation "that makes two of us" Bickslow said, "yeah Minerva don't you think we've given them enough time to return?" Lisanna turned to the ravenette "if we wait anymore I'm afraid we might be too late" Levy expressed her concern while Erza cursed at her husband in the background "I thought they'd be responsible enough to return here if anything happened" Cana shook her head "let's go" Minerva sighed getting up from her seat.

"Any luck?" Noah asked as he saw Hikari and Becca coming back to them "no" Hikari shook her head "but we did find this" Becca held up what appeared to be a bunch of magic cards along with a seashell "isn't that Yuri's and Emeralds?" Hoshihiko raised a brow "something definitely happened to those three" Alan said "those three are in danger Yuri never leaves anywhere without these cards" Grace said as realisation hit them at how serious the situation is right now "we have to find those three and whatever it is save them" Keith once again was left to step up in place of their mutually agreed leader "and right now" Hana said "who knows what danger they might be in" Jane added it'd been a full day since those three went missing.

Zeref, on the other hand, stared at his niece seemingly amused by her anger "Tsukihi I think you should calm down" Angel placed a hand on the girl's shoulder "no! it's one Simon Fernandes that you broke my best friend but it's another thing you let someone taken- that too your best friend no less by the man who hurt him! how irresponsible and insensitive can you be?!" the fire dragon stood up from the bed "how is does me rejecting Grace have anything to do with this?" Simon furrowed his brows in confusion "do you really not know?" Emerald raised a brow at her twin while Tsukihi gave him a 'really?' look "Simon son let's talk about your love life later" Jellal said "more like lack of" Emerald coughed out "do you where he was going?" Jellal shot his daughter a sharp look before placing his hands on his son's shoulder "no but I did see a bunch of trees in front of him" the redhead replied "that's sure helpful" Tsukihi rolled her eyes.

At dinner, the three children were silent Simon stared longingly at the fire dragon slayer who played with her food sulking while Emerald just silently stabbed at her food feeling guilty for not being able to keep the two safe despite being the oldest among the two mages.

"Pssst..." Tsukihi leaned over towards Emerald when the 7 adults left them in the care of Eric who currently just slept on Zeref's couch "you got a plan...?" Emerald leaned closer to the young woman "what plan...?" Simon leaned over the table "we break into raven tail and get Yuri out...." the fire dragon slayer whispered loud enough for the twins to hear "but what if he's not there?" Simon asked, "Si this is Ivan Dreyar we're talking about old man's probably got Yuri by now..." Tsukihi said "whatever it is you three are planning stop," Eric said with his eyes still closed "besides you're not well enough to be running after your boyfriend Tsuk," said girl scowled "he's not my boyfriend!" the poison dragon slayer opened an eye "w-we're just good acquaintance's" all of them raised a brow at the blushing girl "really? I thought you two were passed that stage with the amount of time you spend together on a daily basis" Simon wasn't blind he could see that there was clearly something more than acquaintanceship between the two mages "I wouldn't be surprised if you two were together 24/7" Emerald added.

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