Chapter 9

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Noah although happy to see his Tsukihi back safe was on edge "hey No" Tsukihi sat herself beside him "hey" he greeted the happy girl "sorry I couldn't be here" despite Tsukihi feeling guilty for not being beside her friend when he needed her the most "don't worry I'm fine you couldn't have helped your situation" Noah didn't blame he was more concerned about his safety if he was being honest.

Tsukihi grabbed the ravenette's hand "you want to talk about it?" the bluenette offered comfort like always "do you have to ask?" Noah stopped playing with his fingers instead focusing on the warmth and calm that came with the presence of Tsukihi Dragneel despite her loudness at times the girl felt like the serene ocean for Noah someone he could always pour his heart to knowing she'd envelope in her bubble filled with warmth, comfort and love it was one of the things he loved about the girl.

"How is he holding up?" Juvia asked "I think better now that Tsuki's back" Minerva watched the two adults with a small smile "me too" both mothers smiled the rest knew that Noah connected more with Tsukihi then anyone else hence why the two were so close they were also the ones who worried about the other the most knowing the others fear connected to their magic.

"It's getting that bad is it?" Tsukihi sighed after finding out about how Noah's fear of shadows was increasing "yeah what about you?" Noah turned to the girl who's smile faded "I don't know if I'll ever be able to be fine after..." she paused gulping "none of us are" Noah voiced his thoughts "I don't think I'll ever get over my fear of shadows or the darkness" it was a fear all of them knew about but none them of knew to what extent it affected him no one except Tsukihi.

Tsukihi threw her arms over the shadow dragon slayer sensing Noah was going to cry and if there's anything that the seven knew about Noah it was that he hated crying in front of others so Tsukihi provided him the perfect cover "oh Noah..." she rubbed the boys back as he sobbed into her shirt not minding the boy getting her shirt wet.

Minerva Orland cut her conversation with Kagura short when she noticed Tsukihi hugging Noah "excuse me" getting up she made a beeline for the boy but stopped short when she saw the others wrapping joining the two "well isn't this some cute bonding" Erza said from beside the territory mage "I promise we won't let the shadows get you" Emerald said "yeah I'll blast light at them" Hoshihiko said causing the others to sweatdrop and the ravenette to scowl "I don't think you can fight shadows" Yukino said "oh why don't we get a night light?" Lisanna proposed.

The next day all of them went night light searching "why exactly are we here?" Rogue asked as Minerva looked over the collection of night lights "looking for night lights" Minerva simply answers moving over to another place "Noah seems to be having problems with the lights off" the shadow dragon slayer raises a brow "why not just get him a lamp?" Tsukihi appears next to the shadow mage "because Mr Cheney Noah's afraid of the shadows" the answers his question "is he a child tha-" "their not just for children" Tsukihi interrupts "stop provoking a young girl and come help me find one for Noah Rogue" Minerva stopped Rogue from saying anything further.

Noah on the otherhand stared at a certain globe shaped night light he liked it since it reminded him of a certain blue haired water mage who he liked to stargaze and have late nights chats with her about anything and everything "do you want that Noah?" Yukino's voice came from behind him "yeah" he nodded his head "Min come over here" Levy called the ravenette over "that's it?" Minerva asked before checking the price thankfully it was in there price range.

"Seems a bit simple doesn't it?" Rogue asked while Minerva handed it to the cashier "I'm sure it's because this reminds him of a certain someone" even Minerva hadn't missed how this moon galaxy night light probably had something to do with Tsukihi the person Noah found peace with "is he in love?" the shadow dragon slayer asked Minerva who thanked the cashier "is it Tsukihi? if it is I'm going to have to tell Natsu" the territory mage gave her husband a strange look "no of course not" the ravenette scratched his head wracking his brain for who it could possibly be.

Noah smiled as he stared up at the stars and galaxies projected up on the ceiling of his bedroom "I don't know why you want this but here you are Noah" Rogue said after setting up the whole moon night light/projector "I find peace in the stars dad" right now he was referring to a certain blonde Rogue withheld his question thinking about the meaning behind it "alright goodnight" Rogue walked to the door still thinking about what the boy said.

This might not have been the best solution for Noah but it'd work for now as his first step towards recovery until he was ready to finally heal from that traumatic incident that ook place 17 years ago.

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