Chapter 18

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However, the group were surprised to find black marks spread all the way to the fire mage's right cheek "she's been poisoned and it's spreading fast" Levy said "At this rate, she'll be dead in no time" Eric informed while looking over the bluenette who had dark markings covering half of her body "come on Tsukihi you've got to fight" Natsu kneeled beside his daughter's unconscious form her skin slowly getting paler as the poison spread.

Tsukihi whimpered writhing in pain as the little creature attached to her slowly ate away at her energy and life force "I'm right here Tsuki you've got to fight for Daddy!" Natsu's voice rang in her ears as she tried to keep the thing from spreading any more for her father but try as she might Tsukihi's energy was slowly withering, the worst part being that she couldn't even scream for help because her throat felt so clogged up that it was becoming hard to breathe. it felt like someone was squeezing her neck preventing air from entering her lungs.

Ivan smirked watching the dragon slayer's deteriorating state "It won't be long before my little creature completely consumes her and she'll cease to exist" Ivan sipped on his glass of wine "Isn't that wonderful now Yuri my boy?" he turned towards the blonde who was knelt down on the ground forced to watch the whole thing unfold the boy stared at the screen with wide eyes tears running down his cheeks "what did she ever do to you?" Yuri struggled against the ropes binding his arms together.

Zeref was in a corner looking over a book silently flipping through the page "Zeref what are you doing?" Juvia asked looking over at the ankhseram mage "I may just know what's wrong with her" Zeref answered "and I may know how to help her too" He spared the worried mother a glance telling her to trust him as she nodded while Natsu talked to their daughter in the background.

Jellal decided to call Erza "The other kids are fine," Jellal said pulling the phone away from his ear and facing the worried parents who nodded "Thanks," Rogue said while trying to comfort a worried Minerva Orland "back to the reason I called could you get Porlyusica or Wendy on the line" Erza raised a brow before turning to Kagura who stood up from the table walking over to their lacrima to call porlyusica knowing that Wendy was most likely with the older women "Kagura's calling them right now why?" Erza answered, "Great could send them our way?" Jellal said "Tsukihi's condition seems to be deteriorating" He scratched his cheek "alright I will Jellal just be careful" the equipt mage sighed already growing worried about the younger girl "Thanks I will" they bid their goodbyes to each other.

"Kagura tell them to hurry because she's getting worse," Erza said "got it," Kagura said from in their communication room "We haven't gotten any news from Laxus, Cana, and the others either" Leslie sighed walking into the room "I'm really starting to worry about those two" Yukino voiced "let's just hope that wherever Yuri is he's safe" Milliana pat the girl's back praying for the two to be safe.

Ivan spun around in his chair "please leave her alone!" Yuri begged his grandfather "Oh but it's entertaining watching you itch just to save the girl" He sighed feeling helpless because he couldn't save her.

There has to be something that I'm not seeing... Zeref flipped through his book reading each line carefully while the three other mages looked through the other books Zeref owned trying to find anything helpful "I don't see how the poison got in or anything that may be harmful to her" Wendy said after a few minutes of looking through the girl's magic source "I'm sure of it she's poisoned I can smell it" Eric said "I don't where it is but I'm sure of it" he added while the two mages looked on in confusion.

Tsukihi, on the other hand, was trying her level best to dispel the poison from her body how Juvia her mother had taught using her water magic but it only seemed to be getting worse and she was beginning to get desperate at this point.

The girl tried to move her hand to point out the place where that creature hid by attaching itself to her or get a word anything would do at this point "hang in there kid" Gajeel said being just as desperate as the others to save the girl.

A tear fell from her eyes as she herself was starting to lose hope screaming at herself to say something or just for someone to listen as she tried desperately to use her last way possible.

 Please someone... can anyone hear me?! however, she was surprised when a familiar voice answered her question.

The Broken onesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon