Chapter 7

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The next day when the five parents found no Tsukihi at home they decided to search for the girl growing increasingly worried for her safety.

Mirajane Strauss walked into the guild with a confused look before she was met with a surprise.

Juvia Lockser sobbed walking into the guild with Natsu Dragneel following her in trying to comfort his upset wife "my baby!" Mirajane looked up at the bluenette before she glanced at Grace Fullbuster who calmly sipped on her milkshake.

The guild doors were thrown open by Erza Scarlet and her family who rushed towards the sobbing water mage.

Grace Fullbuster clenched her fist although she never wished for anything bad to happen to the fire dragon slayer she honestly hated the girl now you could blame Gray and Natsu for this however it was just that both the females loved the same guy so the celestial mage felt certain competitiveness towards the girl.

The two girls had never really hung out or tried to know about the other at all since they hated being in the presence of the other so the two preferred to stay away from each other besides Tsukihi Dragneel had her own responsibilities and group of friends compared to the celestial mage however Grace still couldn't help her hostility the bluenette.

No matter how much Grace Fullbuster played the part of the friend who was always there for him supporting and comforting Simon Fernandes when he needed it but like everyone Grace had her limits which she was starting to reach why was it so Simon to see that she had feelings for him all along that he didn't need to run to Tsukihi to look for that love?.

Lisanna opened the door to fairy tail walking into the guild followed by the others "hey sis" she greeted her older sister he was the first person she'd noticed when he first entered the guild but Grace had also noticed one more thing "Simon they have cake" the bluenette's eyes sparkled as the redhead rolled his eyes but anyone could see the fondness in his eyes.

"Hmm? oh hello," a young Tsukihi said looking back at Fang one thing Grace Fullbuster knew was that Simon was very protective of Tsukihi something that he didn't feel towards anyone else it was only when someone was too close to Tsukihi for his liking that he'd glare them down.

Eversince 17 years ago when that incident happen Grace Fullbuster thought that she finally had a chance with Simon but he was still hungover Tsukihi Dragneel his first love still the ravenette didn't give up at all.

However, it seemed fate was playing a cruel game with her when she saw that same smirk from 17 years ago "courtesy of Moi" Tsukihi placed a hand on her cleavage area Grace had been just as shocked as everyone else when the girl in the flesh appeared in front of her but the thing that broke her heart was what she witnessed on the first day of the GMG it was like a moment out of a sappy romance novel where the two long lost lovers reunited it was from that Grace Fullbuster knew she would be left watching as her love chased another girl.

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