Chapter 13

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"Ah I'm so tired" Tsukihi dramatically collapsed on her couch "you have to stop blocking your fire magic," Natsu said sternly "dad I'm sure you're aware how much I get freaked out when I see fire" the bluenette sat up "honey as much as I want your safety I have to agree with Natsu on this" Juvia said "and didn't Porlyusica tell you to stop blocking your magic" as much as the two cared for their daughter still neither of them wanted Tsukihi's magic the thing she loved the most aside from food to be taken from her "I know but is it necessary to be waking up at an ungodly hour just to train?" she asked Natsu waiting for her to continue "and that too without my beloved food" and there was her famous line "you'll survive Tsuki beside you're starting to improve" the fire dragon slayer patted the girl's head "really?" she perked up a twinkle appearing in her eyes.

Natsu Dragneel eversince he found out about how his daughter refused to use her dragon slayer magic from Wendy took it upon himself to train the girl so she wouldn't experience magic blocks or lose the one thing she loved although it pained him to watch her silently suffer when she saw the fire but he was determined to help her through even if it meant taking baby steps and now she's starting to improve she'd no longer curl up and cover her ears from the sight.

Grace on the other was struggling with simply opening the guild doors she'd recently got from a long mission which she took straight after the day where she embarrassed herself at mermaid heel although Tsukihi advised her against running away.

"Come on it's just this once" Tsukihi whined trailing behind the lightning dragon slayer "no," Yuri said for the umpteenth time "I won't ask you again promise" as if it'd convince him Tsukihi pinched her neck as if showing she was serious "oh hey you two" Grace greeted the two mages walking towards fairy tail "hey" the two mages greeted together "having trouble going in?" Tsukihi asked noticing the girl's fidgety hands "yeah I just-" Yuri took this chance to slip into the guild "have a nice chat you two" Grace raised a brow at the male "we're not done here Dreyar!" Tsukihi claimed before hurrying after the boy.

Grace entered the guild with a shrug of her shoulders walking over to Jane and Hana.

The three raised a brow at the two especially Tsukihi who was pestering Yuri about something "help me out this once" Tsukihi shook her clenched hands "I'm surprised Yuri hasn't exploded at her yet" Hana said since this had been going on for a couple of days now "fine..." Yuri finally caved in "really?" Tsukihi brightened up "damn your one persistent woman" Yuri grumbled while Tsukihi celebrated "I'm more surprised he's been able to say no for so long," Grace said as the blonde deadpanned while the bluenette didn't shy away from wrapping her arms around the boy.

Someone knocked on Grace's apartment door "coming" the ravenette pulled the door open "hey" to find Tsukihi on the other side of the door holding a bag full of clothes "I'm here to help" a few days ago Grace had gone up to the fire dragon slayer to ask her for help "thanks" Grace flashed the girl a smile "alright, first of all, let me see your closet".

Tsukihi blinked staring at the piles of clothes the gears in her brain turned as she assessed the closet full of the girl's clothes "alright I want you to take out everything inside that bag" Tsukihi pointed at the bag laying on the girl's bed "while I handle this" she rolled up her sleeves walking towards the closet.

"huh these aren't actually half bad" Grace looked over the clothes Tsukihi had brought over "aside from those godforsaken pieces of clothes this should be fine" the fire dragon slayer nodded to herself "I'm going to go burn these now" the thing Grace wanted help with was to change herself and Tsukihi agreed to help the girl to change her style a bit because Grace Fullbuster wanted to be as confident as the fire dragon slayer.

Grace once again walked towards her apartment door "hey" a cheerful Hikari Eucliffe greeted the ravenette who raised a brow "we heard someone needed a makeover" it was Emerald who answered her unasked question Grace stepped aside letting the three "we brought food" Becca held up the plastic bags of food.

Soon Tsukihi came back from burning the clothes joining the four in their discussion "he's an idiot you know?" Hikari said biting into her chicken wing "oh please my brother's just blind" Emerald waved her hand dismissing Hikari's words "yeah besides if Simon doesn't like you you've always got us" Becca said as the other three girl's nodded "besides it's time he moved on" Tsukihi added.

The five girl's slowly warmed up to Grace Fullbuster welcoming them into their group despite the celestial mage and water mage butting heads at times still it didn't put a strain on their new formed friendship.

Tsukihi Dragneel walked into the guild greeting everyone "hey Grace have you seen Yuri?" Hana and Jane also turned their attention to her "yeah why?" Grace raised a brow at the bluenette "that dumbass promised to help me now I can't find him" the three sweatdropped when the fire dragon slayer began cursing at the master's son "yo Tsuki" Yuri Dreyar without a care in the world walked up to the frustrated bluenette "yo? where have you been Yuri?!" she placed her hands on her hips "I was on a job" the three girls looked back at the girl who looked about ready to explode "geez calm down I was only away for a few days" before all three were surprised when the bluenette grabbed the lightning dragon slayers ear "now that you're back help me like you promised" Tsukihi dragged Yuri by the ear to the guild doors.

Yuri opened his mouth to protest "don't even think about protesting Yuri Dreyar" the man instantly shut his mouth when the girl spared him a glare.

Jane, Hana and Grace stared after the two mages in bewilderment "well that was an interesting turn of events" Hana voiced "never have I seen him so obedient" Grace said "almost makes you wander just if he always listens to her" Jane voiced her thoughts before they all shared a look.

A few days later Grace showed up to the fire dragon slayers doorstep drenched to the bone "Juvia make some peach tea too!" Natsu called to his wife ushering the ravenette inside the house.

"Gosh it's really pouring out there" Tsukihi walked into the house taking off her red raincoat "oh you're back" Natsu came out of the kitchen holding his favourite mug filled with hot chocolate "yes is that crab fried rice?" the girl's eyes sparkled as she made a beeline for the plate full of her food in her fathers other hand "you have a visitor by the way".

Grace looked up when Tsukihi's bedroom door opened and Tsukihi walked holding a plate of crab fried rice "Grace?" the girl tilted her head staring at the ravenette for a while before she pulled her phone out "yes? hello Bec urgent girls meeting tomorrow morning" Tsukihi said before hanging up on the girl.

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