Chapter 10

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"Why am I always stuck with you?" Alan grumbled while helping Emerald carry the boxes out of the basement Hikari Eucliffe watched as the two worked together in their cleaning duty after all today was cleaning day at the mermaid heel guild and Hikari could tell Alan loved doing his chores with the bluenette despite his grumpy comment "hey Ki could you help me clean the table's outside?" Tsukihi walked into the guild "that idiot Hoshihiko ditched me for his girl" she added something that didn't surprise any of them since it wasn't the first time he'd done this "yeah sure I was about to ask if you needed any help" Kieth placed the bucket of water next to Hikari.

"Finally the floors are clean" Hikari stretched her arms after putting away the mop and bucket she walked over to the outside restaurant taking a seat at one of the tables with a tray of drinks.

The hot summer sun was beating down on the four outside Hikari was watching her friends while deep in her thoughts of self-loathing a glass of her favourite ice tea in hand as she watched Tsukihi look up at Noah with a smile before looking down at her phone tapping the screen probably sending a text to someone who she concluded was Noah when she saw him also look down at his phone.

Hikari hated this feeling of jealousy why? because it was directed toward Tsukihi her crush's confidant now the girl knew that the other girl was only trying to help Noah but she couldn't help feeling that one day he'd forget about Hikari and that's something that Hikari she didn't want but then she couldn't blame the shadow dragon slayer if he loved the fire dragon slayer after Tsukihi Dragneel was a ball of sunshine sometimes always smiling and making others laugh the opposite of her.

Hoshihiko her twin who was supposed to be with her for the rest of her life even had someone that cared unlike her it was something she'd always feared being forgotten.

Hoshihiko Eucliffe meanwhile could feel his twin sisters dilemma and self-loathing if he was being honest he knew those feelings to well because it was something he went through everyday the boy also feared being forgotten although he was surrounded by girls throwing praises and love at him still it all felt so alien to him.

"Oh come on old man I'm just going to the shop" Emerald said "no means no" Jellal said before mumbling about Alan rubbing off on her "well then what else do you expect me to do?! laze around and watch you fight your guild mates?!" Alan was getting frustrated now they're mothers had gone on a mission leaving the kids in the care of the men while asking some of them to also drop by the bakery/cafè "don't talk to me like that" Gajeel narrowed his eyes at his son "with all due respect father 'tis our responsibility that mother left on us" Tsukihi held up a finger matter of factly "because really I'm tired of watching you and that indecent human being getting into fights 'cause in the last minute you've gotten into about 50 arguments that I'm starting to question if you're a bunch of 5 year old's trapped inside the body of a grown ass man" the two blinked staring at the girl who just sipped on her strawberry and watermelon juice.

Natsu just stared at his daughter silently "close your mouth you'll catch a fly" Hoshihiko loud guffaws of laughter distracted Hikari for a second "seriously though" her brother ignored the guild brawl going on beside him easily avoiding the items being thrown around "looks like he's back to his womanising ways" Hikari rolled her eyes "it appears so..." Emerald said finally giving up on begging her father to leave.

"Hikari he's not always going to be beside you" Emerald finally said after much pondering Hikari turned to the girl "I know that it's not a good feeling when your twin ignores you but trust me he won't ever forget about you" the blue haired girl had this motherly aura around her "you have to let him live his life too" she placed a reassuring hand on the blonde's hand Hikari knew that Emerald was speaking from experience since she'd been separated from her twin her other half before her eyes fell on Tsukihi who also gave her a reassuring smile something about the reassuring looks told she'd be fine.

The six kids sighed not being able to see their friends suffering alone despite aware of the others pain they ignored each other "there has to be something we can do" Simon said "well this won't be solved if they don't talk about the problem" Alan added "kinda difficult with how they refuse to be in the same place as the other" Tsukihi pointed out the only reason the two were still at fairy tail was because Yukino threatened to get Laxus and Mira involved if either of them ran away and they all knew how scary Mirajane Strauss could be whereas Laxus was left with the task of keeping the two in the same room before Kieth perked up "oh I think I know how to do that" Kieth said as a sudden idea struck him.

"Hey Hoshi" someone tapped the boys back as Hoshihiko turned shamelessly looking the girl he found hot up "could you meet me behind the guild in a few minutes?" Kieth moved closer to Hoshihiko like Emerald and Tsukihi showed him "I need help with something" a grin curved the white haired boys lips "sure babe" he answered as the girl giggled before walking away perfect Kieth smirked before giving Emerald a thumbs up.

"Hello? Ms help me?" Hoshihiko stepped outside looking around the back of fairy tail "Emerald?" Hikari stepped out a few minutes later the others peeking out from behind a wall not far from the two who were arguing still upset with the other Hikari because her brother went out with one of her friends and Hoshihiko because she broke him and that friend up "I'm sorry ok" Hikari sighed out "it just wasn't fair to me that you could date my friend but I couldn't even have tell yours about my feelings because he's your best friend" Hoshihiko calmed down feeling the guilt "yeah I'm sorry too it was pretty hypocritical off me too do that" the white haired boy scratched his cheek Noah's face heated up "this is what they call killing two birds with one stone..." Alan nudged Simon as the two snickered "shut up....!" Noah said to the two while the other three gave each other high fives seeing the two twins finally opening up to each other.

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