Chapter 3

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The next day.

It seems normal. But not until she came. We were once four and now we are five including Hikari. Before Akira would always hug me first and tell me what I want to eat. But not anymore. Just like yesterday I felt like I'm invisible. Hikari has Kei and Akira now.

I guess the promise Kei give to me was just a promise meant to be broken.

I was thinking to much when Yahiro pulled me to the corner.

Shana I will leave tomorrow and I want you to not tell anyone. I have to take care of company and I might not be able to see you for the meantime.
So promise me, you'll be happy. Have you said it to him? Yahiro said

Shana: I don't think he has to know
Yahiro: why is that?
Shana: you see Hikari always makes him smile nowadays and Kei's like avoiding me
Yahiro: you're just jealous
Shana: yeah I think so

Yahiro chuckled. Not expecting for Shana to admit she was jealous. So take care of yourself when I'm gone okay. With that they share a hug and Yahiro leaves.

Kei was on the way to Shana's room. He was going to ask what Shana was going to say to him.

Shana, what would you like to tell me?
Shana was caught off guard because Kei suddenly walks in her room.

Ouch, why did you have to come in so suddenly. Shana said . She have injured her self while going in through the window so she's patching up.

But before Kei would notice her injuries. She hides them immediately.

Are you hurt? Are you okay Shana. Kei asked worriedly.

Yes, I'm fine. Shana said. And when Shana thought Kei will not notice. She's really wrong.

Then why there's blood on the floor?Shana became gray. She forgot to remove the stains.

Then Kei grabbed her arm and notice it's bleeding. He fix it up and puts Shana to sleep.

Why do you make me worried all the time? Kei asked himself and leaves Shana to rest.

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