Chapter 23

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Shana's POV
The wedding will be held hours from now. I'm getting nervous and want to run away but I can't.
I have to do this.

Ren comes to see me before the wedding

He seems not scarier than before.

I promise you to be the happiest girl in the world. He said smiling. I'll show you that choosing me is the right choice is what he said to me before he left

He's having good mood I guess.

2 hours later ...

More men are coming to the house. The other men mentioned that there were three guys in the gate and said they will never leave unless they got Shana. I heard them say.

They were talking about me. I looked up at the gate to see Kei, Yahiro and my brother.

"Why are they here. They're not supposed to be here."

The news have reached Ren and ordered to start the wedding immediately.

We are now in the hallway. Making the wedding start. I just wished the three of them will get safe.

-End of Shana's POV-

Meanwhile Yahiro and the rest are fighting the men

"The wedding is starting already you might get too late" the guy said to them.

" Let's finished off these guys now." Yahiro said.

"Please Shana wait for us, brother is coming." Shintarou said

Kei's POV

We knocked down all his men. Only one left to do.

"Shana, don't marry him" I shouted.

"You are too late already. She's mine" Ren said locking his arms to Shana.

I punched Ren and was about to punch me back but he's not so fast.

Shana, you don't have to marry him. I knew everything already. I promise no one will get hurt. I said to her.

We get away from the scene.

"Shana, I've always liked you. I want you to know that. Ever since we're kids I'm jealous of Yahiro. I went mad everytime you're with some other guy and I'm disappointed when you left me so soon when I was sick. But despite of that, I missed you. I don't want to let go of you now. I want you to know that I love you" I confess to her.

She's crying then smiled at me.

"I've always liked you too Kei. When we were kids I've always thought it's Yahiro that I like but when I confess to him and got rejected I didn't feel anything . He said to me that I only like him as a brother and also told me that it's you who I really like to which I realize too. I was planning to tell you my feelings when we were kids but you always hang out with Hikari then I assume it's her you liked. But yeah I love you too. I really do.

Hearing her say those words really make me the happiest man in the world.

I kissed her on the lips. She kissed me back.

She pulled away then utter. We should hurry and get back to help Yahiro and her brother.

But when we go back have knocked down and Ren was kneeling to Yahiro begging for his life. He said that he will leave Shana alone and that he will not do it again.

"We finally did it. We can now go home peacefully" Shintarou said

"I told you I was never wrong Shana. He loves you. " Yahiro teased Shana and she's red as a tomato.

Then we go back and have normal lives.

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