Chapter 7

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--- the next day-----

I read a message I received last night. It was a message I was hoping I did not receive. It was a message from my brother.

From: Shintarou
Shana, you should spend your time there wisely. Father set you up to marry the son of Hayato family. It will benefit the company and us. So I really think you should accept it.

I decided to forget about the text and go take a bath.

Like normal days I would go to school and greet everyone else.

I saw Kei and immediately run towards him. I hug him like I normally do when I greet him.

Kei, how's your brother doing? Did he get home safe? I asked Kei. He's so stubborn as usual and by the way he wants to see you. Kei said to me.

Okay, I'll dropped by your house later. I said to him and he nodded.

Shana- chan ohayou~~ I turned to my right to see Megumi greeting me. Along with her is Jun who looks away from me.

Good morning , Megumi. So what are the plans for today. I heard that Kei and Hikari will be very busy for the competition.

I think you should come with us and watch our training. It will be fun. Hikari said to us.

Then it's decided we will go and watch their training. It was Akira who agrees with what Hikari said.

I guess it will be okay so I decided to come along.

----In the gym----

Hikari, is that all you got? How can you win against Shoji if you're like that. Kei said to Hikari while teasing her.

I will not lose Kei. Who said I'm gonna let Shoji win this. Hikari answered Kei angrily.

While in the gym I watch them training and fighting about who's the best. I also realize that while I'm watching them together Kei would smile like he's having so much fun.

I admit I'm pretty jealous of Hikari. She can make him smile out of the blue. A smile I wish Kei would also have when he's with me.

As I spend time watching the two I remember the text my brother sent me. How long can I stay here? How long will I able to see Kei and everyone else? How much time do I have and what will I do when I'm supposed to be married.

I'm in the deep thought that I didn't notice the training have finished and they are calling me several times for us to have snacks.

Shana, what do you have in mind? Is something bothering you? You can talk to us about anything Ryuu said to me. I'm fine, no worries. Thank you Ryuu that's all I can respond.

With that we go to the greenhouse. It is where Akira made her Strawberry cake which she gives us one by one.

It's delicious Akira you should teach me how to bake this some other time. I said to Akira. You can always come by my house so I can teach you Shana. Really? I'll drop by next time I said happily to Akira.

We were all stopped by Tadashi's whining. He runs out of cake and began to whine about wanting more cake. There's no left for Akira divided it equally for us.

Tadashi likes Akira cooking I thought that I can give him mine since I'm not totally hungry .

Tadashi, you can have mine instead. When I said that you could see Tadashi's face lit up and thanked me for the cake. He reassures to treat me a melon bread whenever he pass a bakery.

As I give mine to Tadashi. I could feel Kei's eyes on mine. He's looking at me and looks at his cake. He decided to share it with me but I simply declined.
But he didn't take no as an answer. He feeds me and we ended up sharing the cake.

From this scene, you could tell that Tadashi's cheering up for me. He's like that ever since he knew I like Kei. He supports me and Kei.

It was nearly time to go home.

Shana:So Kei, what is Sui's favorite food?
Kei: He likes oranges.
Shana: I'll bring him some. Let's go to your house.
Kei: okay

While in the car. I was thinking on what's the reason his brother wants to see me. I'm just nervous.

Kei sees the expression I had on my face and my hands shaking so he began to hold my hand.
Shana, don't worry it's just Sui. He will not do anything to you I promise. Kei said things to calm me down.

Master, we are here. I heard Kei's driver said to us.

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