Chapter 14

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I think it's best if Kei would not know any of these feelings I had for him. Because if he knew, I wonder if it gets complicated.

---in Yahiro's villa--

"Yahiro, I need to discuss something. My brother was here already. And I'll bet you know that may be we will be sharing same fates. Like how you leave Akira when we're little."

"It's something inevitable I guess. I guess I'm your brother from another mother."

"I'm telling you this so you could help me. I'll leaving too soon. My brother will make sure I'll be married to the son of Hayato family. Cause if not Kei will not be the only one in danger. Worst, he will make Akira and the rest suffer."

"Since Kei is mad to earlier. There's still a chance for him to hate you. My birthday will be tomorrow and I'll let him assume that it's me your going to be partner with. And I let him partnered with Hikari. If it's okay with you. Because just so you know Shana there's no going back."

" Take of it then. I'll just go on with the flow. It might hurt a little but I guess I'll carry on."

"Then I'll go and talk to him"

Yahiro left me in his room. I feel drowsy and just sleep in.

Yahiro's POV
Shana is always like that putting everyone else first before herself. She is planning to leave soon and who knows she'll just disappear without a word.

After Kei pulled her away from me. That's when I finally proved that Kei is indeed in love with her. It's not the first time Kei has been mad to him. In fact ever since we were little he doesn't like me that much. We don't get along very well. I still remember how he punch me for being an hypocrite and making Shana cry. He told me how lucky I was that it was me who Shana likes. Not knowing that who Shana really like is him. That genius boy who's fool in love.

And now here I am standing in front of his room began to knock and tell him words I wish I wouldn't have to say. For this thing will only make things worst. For I don't want him to hate Shana. I want them to live happily but yeah fate must have come to the both of us.

"It's my birthday tomorrow. Be sure to come"

"Why do you expect me to come? I will not go tomorrow."

"Are you sure about that? Because Shana will be there tomorrow"

" She won't come to see you. You don't have to bother."

"Are you also sure about that? Because I talked to her already and she wants to be my partner so I agreed. How about you go and invite that Hikari girl to be with you tomorrow."

"She said that?"

"Yeah, if you want you can talk to her about that. I'm sure she'll be giving you the same answer I just did."

"Leave. I said leave me alone."

I leave as Kei requested.

I did it already Shana so what would you do now?

-end of Yahiro's POV-

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