Chapter 16

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I was dragged early in the morning by Akira just to spy on Kei and Hikari.

She says that Hikari mentioned that she will meet Kei today. That's why Akira is like this.

Kei's POV

I told Hikari to meet me today. I'll be asking for her help to get back to Shana. Like I'm stupid this past few days and I just avoid her and worst case I ruin the moment yesterday. But I don't regret that I stopped Yahiro. I just don't like Yahiro to kiss Shana.

"Sorry I'm late"

"No worries. I just arrived to."

"Anyways, why do we have to meet here? You can just talk this in school."

"No, it can't be in school. Others may hear. Besides I want you to help me apologize to Shana. This past few days. I just got mad and ignore her. And when I'm about to approach her, I ruined everything."

" You must really like her, Kei. Ever since I met you when we were little you will always smile about the the thought of Shana and whenever you started talking about her it's like the whole world is full of Shana. In Shana's s case you might not need my help. After all, it's Shana we are talking about. She was just there waiting for you. Like always."

"It's nice talking to you. Thank you Hikari" shall we go eat lunch? My treat as thanks for today.

"Sure" with that we go to the near cafe.

We were being followed by Akira and to my surprise Shana was with her. I watched as Shana tries so hard to disguise.

I was having fun watching them.

"Who are you staring at?" Hikari asked me.

" Oh, it was Shana. She was outside with Akira. They've been following us."

"You said it was Shana and Akira only. Then who's that guy?"

I watched Shana get hugged an unfamiliar face.

"Kei, what are you sulking for. Let's go and greet them. You might miss your chance on getting back the happiness of your life."

Hikari pulled me outside and then we greet them.

What an awkward situation for Akira who just got busted.

-End of Kei's POV-

Shana's POV
We were watching Kei and Hikari walked in the cafe as someone covers my eyes.

"Guess who? He asked me but I don't know him at all. So I just removed his hands.

When I turn around to see him. He hugs me. Then stated the name I wish that didn't come.

"My name is Ren Hayato" the guy with a black haired said.

And I am your.... Before he blurts out words I cover his mouth. For I realize one thing. That maybe he's the one my brother talks about. He is the one I suppose to marry.

I was about to leave with him when Kei and Hikari goes up to us. What an awkward situation I'm in.

They greeted us and Kei looks at me then I look away. And I remember we need to leave for I have so many things to do. So I grabbed Ren's hands and tell them we need to leave.

We left Kei, Akira and Hikari. Then we go to my house.

"Are you my fiance? " I asked him out of the blue.

" I am took you long enough to notice. I'm just here to visit you and your brother."

"How long will you be here?"

"It's just for today, sweetie. I'll go back later to London. I just got here to spend my little time with you. Shall we go?"

I just go along with him and manage to spend the rest of the days he's here with me. Just think of it as I want to know him for if he's the one who'll I'll get married I have to know more things about him.

We ate my favorite things. He bought me a pair of bracelet and tell me things he likes. We spend hours of talking before he goes back in London.

He mentioned that when I go to London we should celebrate his birthday. I smiled happily and told him that I'll see you soon.

Then I escorted him at the airport and hug him before we say goodbye.

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