Chapter 17

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Kei's POV

When we walked towards Shana and Akira. I can't help but notice the unfamiliar guy they've been with. Shana was covering his mouth and hold his hand before they left. I believe they are not that pretty close. But I can tell that he's going to be my rival if I let him get close to Shana.

So I called Kureno to investigate that guy. I want to know everything and mostly what's his relationship to Shana.

When they left, we left also. We part ways and I said goodbye to them.

I'm going home and think through things. I should buy Shana an apology gift. I saw earlier a bracelet that fits well Shana's personality. I decided to buy it and give it to her tomorrow.

-End of Kei's POV-

It was sunny when Shana escorted Ren to airport. Then the weather's changed.

It was raining heavily..

Since Shana did not bring umbrella. She was soaking wet.

Shana's POV

Feels like the sky also feels the same way. It looks so sad. It was raining heavily and I'm all wet from the rain. I stopped by the cafe waiting for the rain to stop. But it's like it won't stop any soon.

So I called for my brother.

'The number you have dialed is not yet in service. Please try again later'

I called up for him for the 5th time. But still it's out of coverage.

For the 6th time that I would call him. There stand a guy who puts umbrella on me. He was someone I don't know.

" Master Sui is waiting for you in car. Please come with me."

As I heard Sui being mentioned I follow him to the car. Then he speak.

"I saw you when we're about to get home. We should go to our house because it's nearest from here and because of the rain"

"But I'm avoiding Kei right?"

"My brother won't be there. He's at our company tending to our father's work"



We reach Takishima's Residence

You shoud change your clothes. Here's my brother's spare clothes. Use it for now. Sui said to me.

I took it then changed my clothes.

His clothes feels like and smells like him. I wonder when will the rain stop so I can go home.

Takishima's Residence is so big that you can get lost. I enter the kitchen to find something to eat and soon begin to notice a figure.

Kei is baking a cake. I mean it's okay because it's his house. But not okay because he's not supposed to be at home. So I go to Sui's room.

"Sui, we have a problem. You're brother is downstairs. I thought he's not here"

"That's what I know. That he'll be staying with father."

"What should we do then?"

"Just act normal and the rest will follow"

I waited for Sui to changed clothes and we go downstairs.

Kei is sitting there waiting for the cake he bake.

"Brother, we're home" Sui said it to Kei making Kei look at me. He smiled at me while I'm getting nervous. And planning my escape to go home.

"Shana, you came at the right time. I made a cake for you. It was supposed to be for tomorrow but since you're here we can eat it together. I apologize for the other. And I was going to say sorry. Hikari and I met earlier so I can make a proper apology I hope this works."

He's been doing all the efforts to apologize in things he's not at fault. I feel sorry for myself. Because I'm the who should say sorry. I'm the one who's avoiding him and all but he's too good to make apology instead. I guess it won't hurt a little if we just go back to normal. That's what I thought to myself

"You didn't have to do that. But thank you, I appreciate the efforts." I said to him then he prepares the cake and we eat.

Then things start to got blurry. I feel dizzy. Somehow feels hot. Then I collapsed.

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