Chapter 20

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Shintarou's POV

I was planning to help her get away since she have changed her mind.

But before I could start to talk again someone hits Shana on the head which makes her faint. She's on the ground while I'm trying to fight those men. They are skilled and not just ordinary men. Then a gun was pointed behind me and Shana. They carried Shana and kidnapped her.

They left. I had no time and strength to go after them. But I managed to find out who's behind this. And I'll make sure they will pay for this.

-end of Shintarou's POV-

(In school....)

They were all there and notice one person is missing. Shana is not there.

Kei wondered why and was spaced out the whole day. Even Akira and the rest are worried about Shana.

They decided to visit Shana but they did not know Shana's address. Tadashi look up for it. But it seems like that Shana's address doesn't exist.

"Maybe Shana have gone for vacation for a while. " Tadashi said to them but Kei and Akira is still unconvinced. For they know that Shana will not go to vacation without them.

(Somewhere deep in woods)

Shana's POV
I can't see anything. My eyes are blindfolded and I'm tied up.

I shouted onii-chan but no response. I heard someone talking. His voice is familiar. Then he removed my blindfolds.

That's why his voice is familiar. It's no other than Ren.

"Are you surprised to see me"

"What are you doing here? What did you do to my brother? Where am I? Why I'm here?"

" I heard you are withdrawing to our wedding. And that is not the best choice. You see I'm from Hayato family and I will not let you get away. You will for sure have no choice but to marry me. "

"But what if I don't want to. I realize I want to get married to someone I really like."

" Oh, you mean that Kei Takishima? I'll make sure he'll die. And as of you brother you might never see him again. If you make me lose patience to you."

He said that angrily and began to show me a video of his men treating my brother very badly. My brother has health condition and he's getting beat up just because of my decision.

Tears fell in my eyes. I said stop. Please stop. Don't hurt my brother. I promise to do anything just please stop.

After I said that he ordered his men to stop and he freed me.

"I told you, you will have no choice but to marry me"

I run to where they held my brother captive. And tend to his wounds.

"I'm sorry brother. If it's not for me they will not do this to you."

"It's okay Shana. Anything for my little sister"

"No, it's not. I'll promise to make this right. I decided to get married."

"But I thought you wouldn't want it"

"It's best if Kei doesn't know okay. Besides if I still refused you might die and they will kill the others. I won't let them do that."

Enough of small chats. Let's get you back Shana. You have one day to go to school. They might be worried about you missing and we shouldn't let them know what happened Ren said to us.

He let us get away. But he said that if we run away there will be much worse than this. Being afraid of him I just follow his orders.

"Shana, I'm really sorry. If only your big brother is strong enough to defend you. Things will not get into this."

"Don't worry. Brother we will get through this. I'll be going to school tomorrow"

-end of Shana's POV-

It's been two days since Shana went missing or not even contacting them. They've been worried about Shana. They thought they will never see Shana again but then she appeared.

Shana was too early and sit alone the table. She will never forget her experience in the greenhouse and all those memories she have with her friends.

Shana, we've missed you Akira said to her then jumped on her making them fall on the ground.

"Where have you been?"

I just went to vacation with my brother sorry if I didn't tell you . Shana said

But Kei thought something so suspicious about they way Shana is acting.

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