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Trick or Treat, Freak

Trick or Treat, Freak

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Halloween is the last thing on Missy's mind when she wakes up the next morning. The group had decided to come into school dressed in costume, with the exception of Missy and Benji due to the use of fake blood in theirs.

With there only being four ghost busters, Benji and Missy had opted to be Carrie White and Tommy Ross from the girl's favourite horror movie.

"Missy! Wake up, you'll be late again."
Missy's eyes peel open at the sound of a knock on the door, her father's head poking in hesitantly.
"Breakfast is ready - a Halloween treat!"

The girl nods slightly as he leaves and she quickly gets dressed, her eyes being drawn to her bedside cabinet.
'What if someone opens the drawer?'
Shaking the thought from her head, she swiftly opens the draw and stuffs the cigarettes and lighter into her pocket and grabs a pack of gum from the other.

Entering the room tiredly, the girls eyes widen with at the smell of a fry up breakfast and the sight of her family sat around the table.

"Ah, look who's up-"

"What's this?" The girl cuts him off and all eyes shoot to her.

Alice sighs slightly at her daughter's words, "Missy...your father has cooked us a nice breakfast."

Missy shakes her head slightly, her fingers fumbling anxiously in front of her, "No, it's greasy. Grease blocks your pores and give you acne."

"C'mon Missy, you don't need to worry about all that." Tony tries but the girl quickly interjects,

"Of course I do - acne's ugly...Stacey said that-"

"Well, Stacey's words don't matter!" Alice snaps and the brunette's eyebrows furrow as she continues, "Your father has been nice enough to cook us a breakfast, you will sit down and eat it - gratefully."

Missy stands in shock for a moment, looking at each of her family member's in disbelief. Her mother had always expected perfection and now that she was trying to be perfect, her mother didn't like it. Missy was confused, and with confusion comes vulnerability - she hates vulnerability.

"I'm not hungry."


"I'm not hungry." Missy turns to leave the room, her mother shouting after her and tears threatening to escape her eyes.

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