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The Pollywog

The Pollywog

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"I still don't get why they call him zombie boy."

As soon as Benji and Missy arrived at school they caught up with Lucas and Max. Missy sighs at the nickname that was given to her friend once he came back to school.

"I mean," Max continues, "I get it - he got lost in the woods for a week or something...but why is he a zombie? Because everyone thought he was dead?"

Missy feels the eyes of all the students in the hallway burning into her as they walk, whispering and pointing at the brunette girl.

"I mean..we had a funeral for him and everything," Lucas answers the red headed girl.

"After a week?"

"Well, see..some other kid drowned at the quarry, we thought it was Will because his body was super decomposed-"

"What? Okay," Max shakes her head as they all come to a stop, "That's not funny."

Missy's eyes wander over to her ex friends, Stacey laughing with Meg as they look over to the Kennedy girl.

"It's not a joke, alright? It's public knowledge - you can ask anybody."

"Except Will," Benji jumps in, "He is really sensitive about it, understandably."

Max nods and for the first time since they got to school Missy speaks up, "Why is everyone staring at me?"

"I thought you said they always stare." Max states but Missy shakes her head.

"Not this much," she turns to look up at Benji, who bites his lip nervously, "What is it, Ben?"


"You know something, what is it?"

The strawberry blonde boy looks between his friends before relenting, "The party you went to, it was Stacey's sister's party. She knows you where there, Miss. She told everyone about-"

Before he can even finish his sentence, the girl is already halfway across the hall towards Stacey's group.

"Well, look who it is," the girl with the red perm chuckles, "The burnout."

"Excuse you?"

"Oh yeah, we all know about you're new addiction to cigarettes-"

"It's not an addiction, airhead. You have no idea what you're talking about."

"So...you didn't go to my sister's Halloween party? You weren't smoking and drinking?"

"Do you want another nose job?"

"Oh, I am so scared." Stacey states in a monotone voice.

Before she has time to lunge at the girl, Missy feels a firm grip on her arm and Benji's breath close to her ear, "Calm down, we don't need you to accidentally commit arson at school."

With the fear of her new powers emerging and the close proximity of her best friend, his vanilla scent filling her senses - Missy quickly regains control of her emotions and takes a deep breath before replying,
"You're a bitch and quite frankly, I'm glad that I no longer have to associate myself with the likes of you."

Missy pulls Benji away by the hand and they follow Lucas and Max into Mr Clarke's classroom, the California girl internally screaming at the chemistry between Benji and Missy.
"The case of Phineas Gage is one of the great medical curiosities of all time..."

As always in Mr Clarke's lessons, Missy and Max sit at the back and chat about anything and everything but the lesson. Missy puts a piece of gum into her mouth and offers some to Max, who declines with a small smile.

The class is suddenly interrupted when the door bursts open, their curly haired friends rushing to his seat in a panic.

"Although it wasn't a crow bar it was a rod..." The teacher continues and the girls watch curiously as Dustin whispers something to the boys.

He then turns to look at the girls and whispers rather loudly in Missy's opinion, "AV club...Lunch."


"Yes, my lord." The boy replies to the teacher causing Missy to snicker slightly.

"Would you care to join the class now?"

"Please, yes!"

Missy sees Benji roll his eyes and shake his head slightly, causing a wide smile to spread across her face.

"Phineas Gage..."

"Phineas Gage."

"..Page 104.."



"Focusing..focusing," Dustin repeats before turning back to the girls and whispering, "AV club."

Max sends him a thumbs up with a sarcastic smile, while Missy nods with an eye roll. Dustin returns the former's thumbs up with a large grin which melts Missy's heart slightly.

"I think he has a little crush, do you see yourself with someone like him?" The girl mutters to Max and she smiles slightly, something which Missy takes as a sign to continue, "Think about it, okay? He's an absolute sweetheart."

Max doesn't reply but Missy smiles anyway, content with her attempt of being Dustin's wingwoman - her cold façade always slipping when it came to the curly haired boy.
After class, Missy catches up with Benji while the others walk slightly ahead, "Hey."

The taller boy turns to see his best friend beside him and a smile almost immediately forms on his face, "Hey, Miss. You okay after earlier?"

The brunette takes his hand as they walk and she nods with a small smile, "Yeah, thanks for y'know? Pulling me away from starting a fight. My mom would have killed me and who knows what my father would do."


That word sticks out like a sore thumb in her sentence and Benji doesn't miss the way she almost struggles to get the word out but decides to leave that talk for another time - she's in a good mood, why change that?

"That's what friends are for."

"Yeah, friends," Missy sighs slightly but they arrive at the AV room before he has time to notice her disappointment.

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