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The Spy

The Spy

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Missy is seated at a table, one of the scientists sitting across from her with a clip board. The young girl's face is fixed with a cold expression after being forced to spit out her gum and to put on what she called a 'hideous hospital gown'.

"So, we understand that you're mother underwent the treatments when she was pregnant with you-"

"You mean the brutal science experiments that she was put through like some guinea pig?"

The scientist looks up from her clipboard to look Missy dead in the eyes, "Like I said, some treatments."

Missy rolls her eyes and slouches in the chair "okay, whatever. Yeah, my mom went through your 'treatments' when she was pregnant."

"And I'm sure you know that this often would lead to the unborn child possessing spectacular abilities."

"Could you get to the point?"

The scientists takes a deep breath, quickly becoming frustrated with the young girl, "I'd like to know if you have experienced any of this abilities recently?"

"If I say yes, can I leave?"

"It depends, is it a yes?"

"Yeah, whatever." Missy goes to stand up but the scientist sits her back down,

"I said it depends," she smiles, "Not that you could definitely leave."

Missy sighs, resting her head on her hand.

"Tell me more about these abilities."

The brunette girl sighs, "I can control the elements, I guess...I mean when I feel an emotion strong enough then it seems to have an effect on them."

"Such as...?" The scientist is taking notes as Missy talks.

"Like, when I get angry, I can create fire. Or when I'm scared then the wind gets stronger." Missy lists them off on her fingers, "When I'm feeling happy or peaceful, I guess, then I can create flowers. When I'm really upset then it starts thundering."

A small smirk picks up on the scientists face, "So, you're quite powerful then?"

This unfortunately feeds into Missy's ego, "I mean if you insist."

"Okay," the scientist puts down her pen, "I'd like to perform some simple tests to explore the power of your abilities."

As if on cue, a man enters the room holding a razor and some sort of wired head set. Missy's eyes widen at the sight of the razor, "If you guys think I'm gonna let you give me a buzz cut then you're highly mistaken! For starters, my hair is one of my best features and secondly, I do not have the right head shape for that."

Ignoring the girl, the man comes closer and plugs it in.

Missy tries to squirm away, becoming more and more frustrated by the fact she can't move under the stronger man's hold, "Get away from me."

He ignores her and just as the razor is about to cut the first hair on her head, she screams loudly, "I said get away!"

With that, a sudden large ball of flames bursts out of her hand and the man is thrown backwards against the wall. Cracking the tiles as he makes contact and falling to the floor limply. The flames take up his whole body but the with the lack of movement, it's safe to say he died on impact.

Missy looks between the body and her shaking hands with wide eyes, her whole body going pale at the fact she has just killed somebody.

However, the scientist smiles as she scribbled down the events of what has just happened on her clipboard.

"Let's just go to another room," she places a comforting hand on Missy's shoulder as she leads the shaking girl away from the burning corpse.

"I killed him..." Missy mutters under her breath, her whole body in shock.

"Don't worry about it, dear," the scientist gestures for her to take a seat at the table in the new room, "He was a bad man - he hurt lots of people."

He was a bad man.

The phrase brings thoughts of the girl she'd met the year before. Eleven, the science experiment from the Lab. Missy was beginning to see just a fraction of the trauma that the girl had to go through.

"Now, I've seen your fire," the scientist begins and the image of the burning man enters Missy's head, "Let's try and focus on something a little more positive, yeah?"

"My flowers?" Missy's voice is quiet, the complete opposite to the snarky girl who the scientist had first met.

The woman nods with a gentle smile, "Yeah, your flowers. So, what is it you think of when you want to grow flowers?"

"Benji..." Missy mutters, wishing that she was with him right now instead of stuck in this lab.

"Who's Benji?"

"Someone that means more to me than anything else in the world."

"Okay then, close you're eyes and think of Benji," the scientist says, "Think of the things you really like about him, think of all the happy moments you have shared together."

Missy thinks about the strawberry blonde boy, she thinks about his smile and the way his eyes focus solely on her when she talks. The way he cares so deeply about things and how he wears his heart on his sleeve. She thinks about how much stronger he is than her, how much courage it must take for him to be his complete self all the time instead of trying to impress people.

She thinks about their friendship and how grateful she is for him to reach back out to her last year after she had lost herself. She thinks about their kisses, from the small peck at Christmas to the ones that held a lot more emotions more recently. She thinks about the fact he always notices when somethings bothering her and how he's always there for her.

"Missy, open your eyes." Missy opens her eyes to see that the table and chair that she sits on are covered in beautiful white roses.

Blood runs from her nose and the scientist hands her a tissue to wipe it, "I see that this is the one that comes easiest to you?"

"It's the one I can control the most." Missy corrects her and she nods.

A/N: I'm going to skip the episode with Kali because I can't fit Missy or Benji into it. So, after this it will go straight onto episode 8

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