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The Mindflayer

The Mindflayer

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Missy takes a seat beside Benji as they wait inside whilst the adults and Mike try to get through to Will. She feels the eyes of her best friend examining her and she rolls her eyes, "You can speak, you know?" Missy turns her head to meet his eyes, "I'm not gonna burst into tears or whatever."

"I, uh.." Benji stutters slightly, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans, "Are you okay?"

Missy furrows her brows, "I'm fine."

She watches as he shakes his head, "No you're not."

"I said I-"

"Missy," he interrupts her and places a hand her her shoulder, "I have no idea what went down in that lab, honestly..I'm afraid of actually knowing what happened in that place." He mutters before regaining eye contact, "But you were really shaken up and I know that you're not fine, Miss."

Missy doesn't say anything in response, simply averting her eyes to the wall with furrowed brows.

Benji sighs and moves his hand onto her knee, "Missy, look at me." She does as he asks and he sends her a reassuring smile, "It's okay to not be okay sometimes. You don't have to pretend that you don't have a heart - I know that you have one of the biggest hearts out there, Miss, you don't have to hide it...especially from me."

Missy shakes her head, "You know what everyone's been saying about me in school?" She changes the subject from the lab.

Benji shakes his head in confusion and she continues, "That I've gone soft - that I'm some weak nobody who'd let anyone walk all over them." Missy scoffs quietly, tears welling in her eyes, "Me? Missy Kennedy - the school's biggest bitch."

"Don't say that." Benji frowns, "You're not a bitch - you never have been."

"Yes, I have," Missy nods, "I know that I have, don't worry. I was basically the school's mean girl besides Stacey - sometimes people would even call her one of my minions."

"But it was an act." Benji argues, "That persona isn't really you - you're not a bitch, Missy. You're a perfectionist who likes makeup and beauty hacks and clothes. But you're also kind of a nerd," Benji chuckles with a teasing smile, "You like video games and D&D, and the Hobbit. You're a secret reader," he laughs at her wide eyes, "You don't think I saw the stash of books under your bed? I saw it. And people think you have some strange obsession with chewing gum but I know that it helps when you're anxious."

"I just like gum." Missy denies with a shrug.

"No," Benji shakes his head with a small smile, "You like gum because it's a distraction, it calms you down if you're worried and anxious. Those are emotions, Missy, in case you forget what they're called."

"I know what emotions are, dumbass." Missy rolls her eyes with a grin.

"And you're allowed to admit that you have them, dumbass." Benji grins back.

"Okay," Missy mutters quietly, "I do..have emotions, I mean." She rolls her eyes, "It's kind of hard to hide them seeing as my powers kind of give me away now."

Hopper storms past them, interrupting their conversation and the pair follow after him. The others gather around the table while the chief writes something on the back of an envelope.

"I think he's talking, just not with words."

"What is that?" Steve questions and Lucas, Dustin, Mike and Benji all respond in unison,

"Morse code."


"Here." Missy mutters, "What does he mean here?"

"Wills still in there," Joe Nelson speaks up from behind Hopper, "He's talking to us through Morse code."

"Exactly." Hopper nods.

With that, they continue trying to get through to Will while Hopper uses a pager to send the Morse code to the kids inside. Missy and Lucas call out the letters while Benji writes them down.
After a while the message spells out:


Like clockwork, as soon as they get the message the pbone rings, spreading panic through the house.

Dustin rushes over and slams the phone down only for it to ring again. Huffing, Nancy rips the phone off the wall and throws it to the floor, smashing it into pieces.

"That was hot." Lexie whispers, only being heard by Steve who nudges her ribs for the comment about his ex girlfriend.

"Do you think he heard that?" Max asks and being the pessimist she is, Missy responds,

"Probably...knowing our luck."

"It's just a phone." Steve argues, "It could be anywhere, right?"

A distant roar appears and Missy shrugs, sending a look to Steve, "Told you so."

Benji wraps an arm over her shoulders and leans down to whisper in her ear, "Not really the time, Miss."

"That's not good." Dustin mutters.

"No shit." Lexie speaks from beside Steve.

Hopper comes into the house holding his gun and directs everyone away from the windows. He holds the gun towards Jonathan, "Do you know how to use this?"


"Can you use this?"

"I can!" Nancy catches the gun and loads it before holding it up towards the door.

"Badass." Missy smirks, squeezing Benji's hand.

"Like I said." Lexie whispers to Steve with a shrug, "Hot."

Steve sends her a look, before pushing her behind him slightly and holding up his bat.

Missy raises her hands, creating a ball of fire which makes the other's eyes widen slightly, "That's definitely gonna take some time to get used to..." Lucas mutters.

All of a sudden, the screeching stops and a limp demodog is flung through the window, falling onto the ground beside Missy.

Letting the flames fade away, the raven haired girl wipes her bloody nose with her sleeve, which earns a look from her mother considering the clothes are from her brand new line, before kneeling down beside the creature.


A creak brings everyone's attention to the front door as it unlocks itself and opens. Making room for a very familiar, yet gothic version of a certain girl.

"Eleven." Missy mutters, after gently closing the dead creatures mouth, like how you would with a dead person's eyes.

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