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The Sauna Test

The Sauna Test

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Benji's woken up that morning to his phone ringing loudly. Swiftly getting out of bed in hopes that his girlfriend has stopped ghosting him, he picks up the phone and is immediately disappointed when he hears Mikes's voice.

"Hey, man, I'm really sorry about the other night but you gotta come over."

"What?" Benji rolls his eyes and Mike sighs,

"Benji, please, we'll explain everything when you get here but it's a code red!"

Benji sighs in frustration but nods, even though Mike can't see the action, "Fine, I'll be there in ten."
Benji stands his bike up at the side of Mike's house at the same time that the girl's pull into the driveway.

"What's this about?" Max asks him and he shrugs, following them into the Wheelers',

"No idea, all he said was that it's a code red."

The group end up sitting around where Will sits on a cabinet, "I didn't think it was anything at first. I mean, I think I just didn't want to believe it. The first time I felt it was at Day of the Dead."

"The power went out that night too." Mike realises.

"And then, I felt it again at the field near the Nelson farm the next day. Then again yesterday outside Castle Byers."

"What does it feel like?" Max asks and Will purses his lips as he thinks of a way to explain it,

"It's almost like...you know when you drop on a roller coaster?"

The group share nods, apart from El who shakes her head, "No."

"It's like everything inside your body is just sinking all at once, but, this is worse." Will's voice begins to get shaky, "Your body...it goes cold and - and you can't breathe. I've felt it before, whenever he was close."

"Whenever who was close?" Max questions,

"The mind flayer."

"I closed the gate." El objects and Will nods,

"I know, but what if he never left? What if we locked him out here with us?"

A chill goes up Benji's spine and Will grabs a piece of paper and some chalk, beginning to draw the monster, "This is him - all of him. But that day on the field, a part of him attached itself to me." He smudges the drawing with his hand, "My mom and Missy got it out of me, and Eleven closed the gate." He turns the paper over, "But what if the part that was still in me, what if it's still in our world?" He slams his hand on the paper, leaving a black print, "In Hawkins."

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