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Trick or Treat, Freak

Trick or Treat, Freak

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"Where did she get them from?"

After class, Benji left the boys and swiftly caught up to the Mayfield girl, wanting some answers about Missy.

Max sighs, "Yesterday, after school when we got into my brother's car. She started blowing bubbles with her gum - Billy complained and told her to spit it out and then handed her one..the one you saw her drop. I'm pretty sure she wasn't going to actually smoke it until he started mocking her. He gave her an extra pack and a lighter before we left but I don't know where they are. Do you think she will throw them out?"

Benji thinks for a moment before replying, "I hope so...she told me that she would but she didn't promise."

"We're just gonna have to be on red alert from now on - I'll try and make sure my brother doesn't give her any more."

Their conversation is cut short when Dustin and Lucas approach them, wide smiles across their faces.

"Hi, Max. I'm Dustin and this is-"


Max glances at Benji before replying, "Yeah, I know...the stalkers."

The two boys stutter before collecting themselves slightly, "We weren't stalking you..."

"Yeah, we were just concerned because you know, your new and all."

"Yeah, for your safety."

Dustin hums in agreement, "There are a lot of bullies here-"

"So many bullies, it's crazy."

Max looks them up and down, "Is that why you're wearing proton packs?"

"Well, these don't function, but I do have this handy dandy little trap here - and look, it even opens and closes!" Dustin demonstrates by pressing a button, "Voila!"

Max gives the boys an unimpressed look and Benji sighs as Dustin continues, "No? Okay, so we were talking last night and you're new here, so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick or treating-"

"Missy's my friend..."

"And you're scared of bullies, so uh, we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us."

"It'd be okay?"

Benji shakes his head with second hand embarrassment from his friends.

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